Han van Dijk
Han van Dijk is an anthropologist. Having studied forestry, his research now focuses on political decentralization, land tenure, natural resource management and farmer-herder strategies in response to climate variability and development policy. These topics revolve around the interaction between society and the environment and the social and political struggles arising out of such interaction. Han van Dijk, a researcher at the African Studies Centre Leiden, was appointed Professor of Law and Governance in Africa in the Department of Social Sciences at Wageningen University in September 2004. Prof. van Dijk can be reached in Wageningen on +31 (0)317 482960 or by e-mail han.vandijk@wur.nl
From 1 September 2007 until the end of 2012, Han van Dijk held the position of Scientific Director of CERES (Research School for Resource Studies for Development) in Utrecht.
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