Jan-Jan Joubert
Jan-Jan Joubert is a South African currently studying towards a PhD in history at the African Studies Centre Leiden. He holds a masters degree in history (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University, which also awarded him an honours degree in jounalism. He has extensive experience in print, electronic and broadcast journalism. Jan-Jan is the sole author of three books on South African history and politics, and has contributed to four books on South African history, agriculture and emigration. He has translated a biography of South African liberal politician Van Zyl Slabbert. Jan-Jan is an experienced editor and fact-checker of biographies and books on current affairs, history and politics, and is a well known radio and television commentator in South Africa. He is the joint owner of a South African election projection model. As a journalist, he was political editor of the newspapers Die Burger, Beeld and Rapport, and parliamentary bureau chief of the Sunday Times, all in South Africa. The title of his PhD thesis is Relative wealth, influence and confidence in transitional democracies: The case of the Afrikaner in South Africa, 1994-2019.