
Found 4511 results
Is SGO 'millenniumproof'? (deel II), A. de Bruijne, A.J. Dietz, and H. Verrest , Geografie, 1999///, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.38 - 43, (1999)
The spiritual economy of Nioro du Sahel: Islamic discourses and practices in a Malian religious center, B.F. Soares , 1999///, Ann Arbor, Mich., p. - VI, 463, (1999)
Spraakverwarring over nieuw ontwikkelingsbeleid, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale Samenwerking, 1999///, Volume 14, Issue 11, p.10 - 10, (1999)
Staatsinrichting in Afrika : import of eigen kweek?, S.D.K. Ellis , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1999///, Volume 53, Issue 5, p.294 - 298, (1999)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1999 I & II, A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann , 1999///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (1999)
Sub-Saharan Africa betwixt and between : rural livelihood practices and policies, D.F. Bryceson , 1999///, Issue 43, Leiden, p. - 73, (1999)
Surmic bibliography, G.J. Abbink, and P. Unseth , Surmic Languages and Cultures, 1999///, Cologne, p.127 - 141, (1999)
Theoretical and Experiential Dimensions in the Study of the Ancestral Cult among the Zambian Nkoya, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper for the Research Group on Spirituality, Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy, Leiden, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 October 1999, 1999///, (1999)
The total Somali clan genealogy : a preliminary sketch, G.J. Abbink , 1999///, Issue 41, Leiden, p. - II, 23, (1999)
Tourism and African development : change and challenge of tourism in Kenya, I. Sindiga , 1999///, Aldershot, p. - XVI, 214, (1999)
Traditional chiefs and modern land tenure law in Niger, C. Lund, and G.S.C.M. Hesseling , African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape, 1999///, Hamburg, p.135 - 154, (1999)
Tweesporenbeleid bij ontwikkeling Afrikaanse curricula: Afrika-Studiecentrum reageert op Peter Crossman, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Transfer, 1999///, Volume Januari, p.24 - 25, (1999)
Urban agriculture in Africa : a bibliographical survey, R.A. Obudho, and D.W.J. Foeken , 1999///, Leiden, p. - X, 92, (1999)
Urban agriculture: the case of Nairobi, D.W.J. Foeken, and A.M. Mwangi , 1999///, (1999)
Van regenboognatie naar Afrikaanse renaissance, W.M.J.van Kessel , Zuidelijk Afrika, 1999///, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.11 - 13, (1999)
Vérité sans réconciliation en Afrique du Sud, S.D.K. Ellis , Critique Internationale, 1999///, Volume 5, p.125 - 137, (1999)
Violence, exile and ethnicity: Nyemba refugees in Kaisosi and Kehemu (Rundu, Namibia), I. Brinkman , Journal of Southern African studies, 1999///, Volume 25, Issue 3, p.417 - 439, (1999)
Violence, ritual, and reproduction : culture and context in Surma dueling, G.J. Abbink , Ethnology, 1999///, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pittsburgh, p.227 - 242, (1999)
Voorhoede of vandalen, W.M.J.van Kessel , Onze Wereld, 1999///, Volume 42, Issue 12, p.28 - 34, (1999)
War and Business in Liberia, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper presented on 'War study day', African Studies Centre, 1999///, (1999)
Wat zit er achter een masker?, W. E. A.van Beek , Teamspirit, 1999///, p.4 - 5, (1999)
'We are in this for the money' : The Sangoma mediumistic cult of Southern Africa: limitations and potential of an interpretation in terms of commodification, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the conference çommodification and identities', Amsterdam: WOTRO programme 'globalisation and the construction of communual identities, 12 june 1999, 1999///, (1999)
Weg met de Chief, W.M.J.van Kessel , Onze Wereld, 1999///, Volume 42, Issue 3, p.41 - 43, (1999)
Westen is in Afrika blind voor de waarheid, S.D.K. Ellis , NRC Handelsblad, 1999/05/19/, (1999)
What does the showcase show? : programme aid to Uganda, J. Ddumba-Ssentamu, G. Dijkstra, and J.K. van Donge , 1999///, Stockholm, p. - XII, 136, (1999)
