
Found 4511 results
Sensus communis as a desperate struggle for identity: lessons from the production of nostalgic political and artistic forms in rural Zambia today, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented before the Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 19 September 1997, 1997///, (1997)
Sensus communis or sensus dissensionis? A critique of Kant's concept inspired by a social science approach to expressive symbolic production, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the Common Sense (Sensus Communis) in Arts and Politics in Western and Non-Western Philosophies conference, organised by the Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy and the Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotter, 1997///, (1997)
SGO in reunie : voordrachten gehouden tijdens de reunie van de vakgroep Sociale Geografie van de Ontwikkelingsgebieden (SGO) op 14 december 1996, A.J. Dietz , 1997///, Nijmegen, p. - 46, (1997)
The shrinking cultural and political space of East African pastoral societies, G.J. Abbink , Nordic journal of African studies, 1997///, Volume 6, Issue 1, p.1 - 17, (1997)
Staatsomvorming in Afrika, G.J. Abbink , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1997///, Volume 51, Issue 4, p.204 - 208, (1997)
Stockbreeding in Western Africa, L.J. de Haan , The diversity of development : essays in honour of Jan Kleinpenning, 1997///, Assen, p.95 - 105, (1997)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1997 I & II, A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann , 1997///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (1997)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1996 I & II, A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann , 1997///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (1997)
Studying conflict and violence in Africa: some notes from an anthropological perspective, G.J. Abbink , Paper presented at the seminar Methodological Approaches to the Study of Conflict in Africa, African Studies Centre, Leiden, 24 September 1997, 1997///, (1997)
Territory, space and state among the Suri: changes in an Ethiopian periphery, 1977-1997, G.J. Abbink , Ethiopia in Broader Perspective, 1997///, Kyoto, p.236 - 249, (1997)
Time and transcultural technologies of the self in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the Religion: the City and Beyond conference organised by the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR), Toulouse, 7-11 July 1997, 1997///, (1997)
The tone system of Maale, A. Amha , Ethiopia in broader perspective: papers of the XIIIth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Kyoto, 12-17 December 1997, 1997///, Kyoto, p.441 - 455, (1997)
Trading the fruits of the land : horticultural marketing channels in Kenya, T. Dijkstra , 1997///, Aldershot, p. - XIV, 249, (1997)
Trust, Mistrust and Co-operation in a Senegalese Rural Community, M.M.A. Kaag , Paper presented at the conference 'Trust and Co-operation', Amsterdam, 7 November 1997, 1997///, (1997)
Urban trajectories in rural livelihood strategies : household employment patterns in Kenya's Coast Province, D.W.J. Foeken , Farewell to farms : de-agrarianisation and employment in Africa, 1997///, Aldershot, p.119 - 136, (1997)
Van Eratosthenes tot Jan Kleinpenning. Verleden en toekomst van het geografisch onderzoek aan de KUN, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot Afrika, M.M.E.M. Rutten , SGO in Reünie, 1997///, Nijmegen, p.27 - 36, (1997)
Verzoening : perspectieven vanuit de culturele antropologie van Afrika, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , In de marge, 1997///, Volume 6, Issue 4, Amsterdam, p.28 - 39, (1997)
Violence and culture: anthropological and evolutionary-psychological reflections on Surma society (Ethiopia), G.J. Abbink , Paper presented at the World Congress on Violence and Human Co-Existence, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 12-17 August 1997, 1997///, (1997)
Violence, ritual, and reproduction : Surma ceremonial dueling as a construction of sociality and sexuality, G.J. Abbink , Ethiopia in Broader Perspective, 1997///, Kyoto, p.221 - 235, (1997)
Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation : aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1997///, The Hague, p.1 - 99, (1997)
Visuele etnografie - theorie, methoden en mogelijkheden, G.J. Abbink, and D. Nijland , Facta, 1997///, Volume 5, Issue 4, p.16 - 19, (1997)
"We thought we would be free ..." : socio-cultural aspects of Herero history in Namibia 1915 - 1940, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at 'People, Cattle and Land: A symposium on the culture, history and economy of Otjiherero speaking people', Michaelsberg, Siegburg, Germany, 14-17 September, 1997, 1997///, (1997)
When households run out of fuel : responses of rural households to decreasing fuelwood availability, Ntcheu District, Malawi, I.D. Brouwer, J.C. Hoorweg, and M.J. Liere , World development, 1997///, Volume 25, Issue 2, p.255 - 266, (1997)
Working for the future: elite women's strategies in Brazzaville, P. Paravano , 1997///, Issue 23, Leiden, p. - 23, (1997)
Africa after the Cold War : new patterns of government and politics, S.D.K. Ellis , Development and change, 1996///, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.1 - 28, (1996)
