
Found 4511 results
Africa and International Corruption : the Strange Case of South Africa and Seychelles, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1996///, Volume 95, Issue 379, p.165 - 196, (1996)
Africa now : people, policies & institutions, S.D.K. Ellis , 1996///, London [etc.], p. - xxii, 293, (1996)
Africa's contribution to world cultural history: history, myth or future, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper to be read at the one-day conference on: Black Athena: Africa's contribution to global systems of knowledge', Leiden, 28 June, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
An Agrarian Continent in Transition: Rural Labour and Market Expansion in Africa, D.F. Bryceson, and J. Howe , Africa now : people, policies & institutions, 1996///, London, (1996)
Agricultural marketing and consumer behavior in a changing world. Proceedings of the 47th seminar of the European association of agricultural economists, T. Dijkstra , British Food Journal, 1996///, Volume 98, Issue 9, p.26 - 34, (1996)
Analysing Africa's Wars, S.D.K. Ellis , Anthropology in Action, 1996///, Volume 3, Issue 3, p.18 - 21, (1996)
Anthropology on violence: A one-day conference, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Amsterdam: Department of Cultural Anthropology / Sociology of Development, 1996., 1996///, (1996)
Anthropology on violence: A one-day conference, , 1996///, Amsterdam, p.1 - 158, (1996)
Aspects of the verb in Ometo, A. Amha , Ethiopian journal of languages and literature, 1996///, Volume 6, p.43 - 63, (1996)
The astrological origin of Islamic geomancy, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at 'The SSIPS [ Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science ] / SAGP [ Society of Ancient Greek Philosophy ] 1996, 15th Annual Conference: ''Global and Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Social Thought: , 1996///, (1996)
Black Athena and Africa's contribution to global cultural history, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Openbaar seminar, Departement Sociale en Culturele Antropologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
'Black Athena' and Africa's contribution to global cultural history, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, 1996///, Volume 9/10, Issue 2/1, p.100 - 137, (1996)
Bomen, bos en bosbouw in Afrika, J.W.M. van Dijk , De Baobab, 1996///, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.6 - 13, (1996)
Bomen, bos en bosbouw in Afrika, , 1996///, (1996)
Bomen en planten bij de Ethiopische Surma: ritueel en praktisch gebruik, G.J. Abbink , De Baboab, 1996///, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.27 - 31, (1996)
The challenges of education in an Ethiopian agro-pastoral society: Surma childhood in crisis, G.J. Abbink , Research Papers on the Situation of Children and Adolescents in Ethiopia, 1996///, Addis Ababa, p.115 - 135, (1996)
Chieftaincy, labour control and capitalist development in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 1996///, Issue 37/38, p.329 - 346, (1996)
Closing remarks, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , WOTRO international conference 'Globalization and the construction of communal identities', Amsterdam, 29 Februari-2 Maart 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Conflict prevention and early warning in the political practice of international organizations, K. van Walraven, and J. van der Vlugt , 1996///, Den Haag, p. - VII, 91, (1996)
A contemporary Malian Shaykh: Al-Hajj Shaykh Sidy Modibo Kane Diallo, the religious leader of Dilly, B.F. Soares , Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara, 1996///, Issue 10, p.145 - 153, (1996)
Contested authorities and the politics of perception: deconstructing the study of religion in Africa, R.A. van Dijk, and P. Pels , Postcolonial identities in Africa, 1996///, London, p.245 - 270, (1996)
Crisis als manier van leven: Fulbe herders in West-Afrika, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale Samenwerking, 1996///, Volume 11, Issue 10, p.34 - 35, (1996)
De afstand tussen antropologie en toerisme, G.J. Abbink , Facta, 1996///, Volume 4, Issue 3, p.8 - 9, (1996)
De Nilo-Saharaanse en Omotisch sprekende bevolkingsgroepen, G.J. Abbink , Aethiopia,Volkeren van Ethiopië: Geschiedenis, Bevolking, Geloof, Kunst en Ambacht, 1996///, Tervuren / Berlijn, p.265 - 278, (1996)
De onwillige public partner : public-private partnership in Mali, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1996///, [Rotterdam, p. - 11, (1996)
