
Found 4511 results
Kosmologie, religie en identiteit in Zuidelijk Afrika, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Lecture, national graduate course on African anthropology, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie, 10 April 1996, 1996///, (1996)
La réception du droit constitutionnel en Afrique trente ans après: quoi de neuf?, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Constitutionalism in Africa: a quest for autochthonous principles, 1996///, Rotterdam, p.33 - 48, (1996)
Land tenure, territoriality and ecological instability: a Sahelian case study, J.W.M. van Dijk , The role of law in natural resource management, 1996///, The Hague, p.17 - 45, (1996)
Le 'problème anglophone' au Cameroun dans les années 1990, P.J.J. Konings , Politique africaine, 1996///, Issue 62, p.25 - 34, (1996)
Legal and institutional incentives for local environmental management, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Improved natural resource management : the role of formal organisations and informal networks and institutions, 1996///, Roskilde, p.98 - 134, (1996)
Les nouvelles forces de sécurité sud-africaines, S.D.K. Ellis , Hérodote, 1996///, Issue 82-83, p.177 - 184, (1996)
L'image des Fulbe : analyse critique de la construction du concept de 'pulaaku', A. Breedveld, and M.E. de Bruijn , Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, 1996///, Volume 36, Issue 144, p.791 - 821, (1996)
Martin Bernal's project and the reception of Black Athena, internationally and in the Netherlands, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the international conference 'Black Athena: Africa's contribution to global systems of knowledge', Leiden, ASC, 28 June 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Mazabuka, Nakambala, A.J. Dietz, and A. van Haastrecht , Een vakgroep om te onthouden: bundel over de vakgroep Sociale Geografie van Ontwikkelingslanden (Nijmegen), 1996///, Nijmegen, p.87 - 89, (1996)
Mijn initiatie tot traditioneel genezer: Het dillemma van distantie en identificatie bij onderzoek van religie in Zuidelijk Afrika, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Lecture in the Ph.D. conference 'Stromingen en scholen in de moderne godsdienstwetenschap', Werkgemeenschap Theologie en Godsdienstwetenschap, Den Haag, 28 Maart 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Ngoma, born-again fundamentalism and contesting representations of time in urban Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the Studyday 'Ngoma; the political and therapeutical in Southern Africa', Leiden, 22 March, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Nieuwe toekomst voor oude heersers: chiefs in Afrika terug op het politieke toneel, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale Samenwerking, 1996///, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.8 - 9, (1996)
Nomads and the State in Africa : the political roots of marginality, V. Azarya , 1996///, Aldershot, p. - IV, 102, (1996)
Nutrition in Agricultural Development : Land settlement in Coast Province, Kenya, J.C. Hoorweg, D.W.J. Foeken, W. Klaver, W. Okello, and W. Veerman , Ecology of food and nutrition, 1996///, Volume 35, p.161 - 178, (1996)
Pastoral development in Eastern Africa: policy review, options and alternatives : first version, A.J. Dietz, and M.A.M. Salih , 1996///, (1996)
The post-colonial State and economic and political reforms in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , Liberalization in the developing world: institutional and economic changes in Latin America, Africa and Asia, 1996///, London/New York, (1996)
The prayer economy in a Malian town, B.F. Soares , Cahiers d'études africaines, 1996///, Volume 36, Issue 144, p.739 - 753, (1996)
Privatisation of agro-industrial parastatals and anglophone opposition in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , The journal of commonwealth & comparative politics, 1996///, Volume 34, Issue 3, p.199 - 217, (1996)
Proletarianisation, land, income and living conditions of farm labourers in Kenya, D.W.J. Foeken, and N. Tellegen , The journal of peasant studies, 1996/09//, Volume 24, Issue 4, p.296 - 313, (1996)
Rechten van vrouwen op de natuurlijke hulpbronnen land en water, K. von Benda-Beckmann, M.E. de Bruijn, J.W.M. van Dijk, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, B. van Koppen, and L. Res , 1996///, Den Haag, p. - 54, (1996)
Réformes et pratiques foncières à l'ombre du droit: quelques réflexions, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Démocratie, enjeux fonciers et pratiques locales en Afrique : conflits, gouvernance et turbulences en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale, 1996///, Bruxelles [etc.], p.214 - 225, (1996)
Regional and historical connections of four-tablet divination in southern Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of religion in Africa, 1996///, Volume 26, Issue 1, p.2 - 29, (1996)
Research on sub-Saharan Africa's unrecorded international trade: some methodological and conceptual problems, S.D.K. Ellis, and J. MacGaffey , African studies review : the journal of the African Studies AssociationAfrican studies review, 1996///, Volume 39, Issue 2, p.19 - 41, (1996)
Review of Beurden J. van, Huinder, C. : De vinger op de zere plek: solidariteit met Zuidelijk Afrika 1961-1996, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 1996///, Volume 50, Issue 10, p.551 - 552, (1996)
Review of Branes,V.L.; Boddy,J., 'Aman the story of a Somali girl', G.J. Abbink , Northeast African Studies, 1996///, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.159 - 163, (1996)
