
Found 4511 results
De oorlogswaanzin zat: Sudanese vrouwen op vredespad, W.M.J.van Kessel , Onze Wereld, 1996///, Volume 39, Issue 10, p.36 - 38, (1996)
Divination and board-games: Exploring the links between geomantic divination and mancala board-games in Africa and Asia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Seminar paper, Research Centre on Religion and Society, University of Amsterdam, 10 May, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Een ontwikkelingstijdperk loopt ten einde, A.J. Dietz , De Bazuin, 1996///, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.8 - 10, (1996)
Entitlements to natural resources : contours of political environmental geography, A.J. Dietz , 1996///, Utrecht, p. - 80, (1996)
Eritreo-Ethiopian studies in society and history: 1960-1995 : a supplementary bibliography, G.J. Abbink , 1996///, Leiden, p. - 203, (1996)
External evaluation of the Tropenbos Foundation 1993-1996 : report for the Interdepartmental Consultative Group/DGIS section Environment, M. Cockerell, A.J. Dietz, and W. Schaap , 1996///, 's Gravenhage, p. - 80, (1996)
The Falasha, G.J. Abbink , Encyclopedia of World Cultures 9 (Africa / Middle East), 1996///, Boston, p.89 - 93, (1996)
Falkeiana IV: the shaykh as the locus of divine self-disclosure : a poem in praise of shaykh .Ham_ahu 'll_ah, B.F. Soares, and J.O. Hunwick , Sudanic Africa : a journal of historical sources, 1996///, Volume 7, p.97 - 112, (1996)
Food assembly markets in Africa: lessons from the horticultural sector of Kenya, T. Dijkstra , Agricultural marketing and consumer behavior in a changing world. Proceedings of the 47th seminar of the European association of agricultural economists, 1996/03/13/, (1996)
Foucault, hekserij en puritanisme in Malawi : een expressionistische kritiek op Douglas' 'grid/group' analyse, R.A. van Dijk , Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologieFocaal, 1996///, Volume 28, p.47 - 61, (1996)
From camp to encompassment: discourses of transsubjectivity in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the 12th Satterthwaite Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, University of Manchester, 13-17 April, 1996., 1996///, (1996)
Fundamentalism, cultural memory and the state. Contested representations of time in postcolonial Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Conference 20-24 November 1996, San Francisco, USA, Panel 'Memory and the Postcolony: African Anthropology and the Critique of Power', 21 November, 1996, 1996///, The Hague, (1996)
Gargasaabe : Tuareg houtbewerkers bij de Fulbe in de Hayre, Centraal Mali, M.E. de Bruijn , De Baobab, 1996///, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.33 - 37, (1996)
Gender and community in the Kabyle literary space : cultural strategies in the oral and in the written, D. Merolla , 1996///, Leiden, p. - 287, (1996)
Gender and Community in the Oral and in the Written, D. Merolla , L'Uomo, Rivista semestrale dell'Universit.di Roma La Sapienza, 1996///, Volume IX, Issue 1/2, p.149 - 167, (1996)
A granary in the earth: dynamics of mortuary rituals among the Kapsiki/Higi, W. E. A.van Beek , Mort et Rites Funéraires dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad, 1996///, Paris, p.137 - 152, (1996)
Herero annual parades: commemorating to create, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at 'Indigene afrikanische Ethnographien', symposium, University of Cologne, Germany, 14-16 June, 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Het wonder is nog lang niet af, W.M.J.van Kessel , Hervormd Nederland, 1996///, Volume 52, p.24 - 26, (1996)
Hoe de logica van het vorstenhof te verbinden met de logica van de postkoloniale staat: Een Zambiaanse etnische vereniging als interface tussen vorstelijke traditie en de moderne buitenwereld, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper gepresenteerd op de studiedag over Volkshoofden in hedendaags Afrika, Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden, 7 March 1996, 1996///, (1996)
Household Fuel Use and Food Consumption: Relationship and seasonal effects in Central Malawi, I. Brouwer, and J.C. Hoorweg , Ecology of food and nutrition, 1996///, Volume 35, p.179 - 193, (1996)
In Afrika: een beginnend antropologe en de blote voeten van de autoriteit, M.M.A. Kaag , Ware fictie, Een experiment in antropologie en literatuur, 1996///, Leuven/Apeldoorn, p.87 - 92, (1996)
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, A.J. Dietz, D.W.J. Foeken, and A. van Haastrecht , 1996///, Amsterdam, p. - 75, (1996)
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, A.J. Dietz, D.W.J. Foeken, and A. van Haastrecht , 1996///, Amsterdam, p. - 75, (1996)
Kikuyu gender norms and narratives, I. Brinkman , 1996///, Leiden, (1996)
Kinderen van Soweto : terugblik op 16 juni 1976 : Soweto 20 jaar later, P. van den Akker, W.M.J.van Kessel, P. Hermes, and A. Mohamed , 1996///, [Amsterdam], p. - 28, (1996)
