Fatima Diallo

Miss Fatima Diallo is a PhD student at the University of Gaston Berger of Saint Louis in Senegal where she did a master II degree on public Law. With a specialization on "decentralization and Management of local authorities", she also did a Master Pro degree in African cyberspace Law.

She is member of the Group of Constitutional and Political Studies and Research (GERCOP) for the University Gaston Berger and the junior researcher of the Senegalese team of the network Afrobarometer of Michigan State University (MSU). She is also member of American Association of political science and the Council for the development of the research in social sciences in Africa (CODESRIA) where she was a prize-winner of the institute on the democratic Governance, the annual social Campus of the sciences, the inaugural conference of Alumni and researcher invited at the international conference on "Decolonize the social sciences in Africa: an unfinished program".

She often worked on subjects such as international financial institutions and the management of African public finances, the functioning of representative institutions; social movements and local citizenship, constitutional justice and the rule of law.

At present, she aspires to work within the framework of her thesis on the subject "The technologies of information and the communication and the construction of the State under the rule of law in Senegal" where she tries to see the dynamic relation which could exist between the technologies of information and the communication and the construction of the rule of law in the Senegalese context. More concretely she tries to analyze questions such the absence of technological control and legal security in front of stakes in the still fragile construction of the rule of law in Senegal, globalization of the management of information technologies and the communication and the challenges of their regulation for developing countries as well as the risks and\or the advantages of the point of legal and institutional, digital revolution and revival of the State and/or African rule of law.

Fellowship year: