Mirjam de Bruijn
Mirjam de Bruijn is Professor of Citizenship and Identities in Africa at the African Studies Centre Leiden as of 1 September 2017. She is an anthropologist whose work has a clearly interdisciplinary character, with a preference for contemporary history and cultural studies. She focuses on the interrelationship between agency, marginality, mobility, communication and technology. She is an Africanist with a focus on West and Central Africa. She has done extensive (qualitative) fieldwork in Cameroon, Chad and Mali. Her specific fields of interest are: nomadism, youth and children, social (in)security, poverty, marginality/social and economic exclusion, violence, human rights, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
In Mali she has worked in the Mopti area with the Fulbe (Peul) and in Menaka with the Tamacheck (Tuareg). In Chad she has worked in N’Djamena (the capital) and in Central Chad with Hadjerai and Arab groups. In Cameroon she works in the Grassfields and the North. Her recent research focuses on urban youth and artists and their role in political movements.
From 2008 to 2013 Mirjam coordinated the research programme ‘Mobile Africa Revisited’, a comparative study of the interrelationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), agency, marginality and mobility patterns in Africa. In 2012 Mirjam was awarded a Vici grant (NWO) for the research programme ‘Connecting in times of duress: understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins’. Since 2013 she has developed the project ‘Voice4Thought’ (V4T), which is an example of valorization of research. Recently she received funding from the World Bank for a project on Mobile Money (2015-2016) in Africa and from UNICEF (2016-2018) to develop a project on child soldiers in the Central African Republic.
Mirjam de Bruijn was appointed Professor of Contemporary History and Anthropology of Africa at the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University on 15 June 2007. She gave her inaugural lecture on 5 September 2008.
Read the text of the inaugural lecture (Dutch)
Read the text of the inaugural lecture (English)
Read the text of the VICI project grant application ‘Connecting times of duress'
Prof. Dr. M.E. Bruijn's profile on the Leiden University website
Conflict continuities
Pioneering futures of health and well-being: actors, technologies and social engineering
Planetary Health in and from Africa
Consortium for Development Partnerships
Decoding Digital Media in African Regions of Conflict (DDMAC)
“Aren’t we all journalists?”: citizen journalism, disinformation and the weaponization of social media in conflict torn Mali (2025)
"Factforward": foretelling the future of Africa's information disorder (2023)
Les réseaux sociaux dans la dynamique des conflits au centre du Mali: un exemple de journalisme citoyen à travers la plateforme numérique KI (2023)
Social media in the global South: a network dataset of the Malian twittersphere (2023)
Connected Sahel-Sahara in turmoil: the past in the future (2022)
Een nieuwe kijk op de Sahara: de woestijn als een gebied van verbinding (2022)
A new view of the Sahara: the desert as a connecting space (2022)
Religious movements in the drylands: ethnicity, jihadism, and violent extremism (2022)
Drylands connected: mobile communication and changing power positions in (nomadic) pastoral societies (2022)
Slam poetry in Chad: a space of belonging in an environment of violence and repression (2022)
Mediatization of ethnographic research practice in the digital age: an essay about research and Sahel dynamics since 1990s (2022)
While the focus is on Ukraine, Russia’s presence in the Sahel is steadily growing (2022)
Female slam poets of francophone Africa: spirited words for social change (2021)
Impact of a mobile health system on the suppression of Schistosoma haematobium in Chad (2021)
"Ceux qui combattent beaucoup sans peur, qui tuent sans pitié": effets du recrutement d'enfants de moins de 15 ans par les Anti-Balaka (2013-2014) (2020)
Slaves, virgin concubines, eunuchs, gun-boys, community defenders, child soldiers: the historical enlistment and use of children by armed groups in the Central African Republic (2020)
Engagement politique populaire dans un Tchad connecté (2020)
Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium measured by a mobile health system in an unexplored endemic region in the subprefecture of Torrock, Chad (2019)
Biographies radicalization : hidden messages of social change (2019)
Introduction: biographies of radicalization-hidden messages of social change (2019)
Climate migration myths (2019)
Mobile phones in mobile margins: communication, mobility and social hierarchies in/from Africa (2018)
Expressions of duress on Facebook by Chadian urban youth in the Diaspora and N'Djam‚na (2018)
Disposable people 2: Cameroon, the Anglophone crisis escalates (2018)
Introduction : understanding experiences and decisions in situations of enduring hardship in Africa (2018)
Hope(less)? : biographies of radicalization (2018)
La haine des autres, sur les traces de Boko Haram (2018)
Introduction: la radicalisation et les messages cachés du changement social (2018)
Biographies de la radicalisation : des messages cachés du changement social (2018)
La radicalisation, symptome d'une crise de la jeunesse pastorale? (2017)
Mediated political agency in contested Africa (2017)
The mobile phone and society in South Sudan: a critical historical-anthropological approach (2017)
Youth between state and rebel (dis)orders: contesting legitimacy from below in Sub-Sahara Africa (2017)
Croquemort : a biographical journey in the context of Chad (2017)
Stamps surrender to mobile phones: reading the communication ecology of erstwhile West Cameroon (2017)
An ethnographic study on mobile money attitudes, perceptions and usages in Cameroon, Congo DRC, Senegal and Zambia (2017)
'Les cicatrices c'est notre passeport' : disappearing histories in Southern Chad (2017)
Citizen journalism at crossroads : mediated political agency and duress in Central Africa (2016)
Ordinary violence and social change in Africa (2014)
Side@Ways : mobile margins and the dynamics of communication in Africa (2013)
Autour d'un livre. 'Le métier des armes au Tchad: le gouvernement de l'entre-guerres' de Marielle Debos (2013)
The Nile connection : effects and meaning of the mobile phone in a (post)war economy in Karima, Khartoum and Juba, Sudan (2012)
Mobiele telefoniecultuur in Afrika: internationaal vakmanschap in Kameroen (2012)
Connecting and change in African societies: examples of 'ethnographies of linking' in anthropology (2012)
Connectivity and the postglobal moment: (dis)connections and social change in Africa (2012)
The social life of connectivity in Africa (2012)
Mobility, ICT and social relations in Africa (2011)
Communicating Africa : researching Mobile communities, communication technologies and social transformation in Angola and Cameroon (2011)
Special issue: Ideologies of youth (2011)
Conflict mobility and the search for peace in Africa (2011)
Connecting dreams: life stories, crossing borders and new ICT (2011)
Drift away, Fulbe, new mobilities and new insecurities in Niger and Nigeria (2011)
Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state (2011)
New mobilities and insecurities in Fulbe nomadic societies: a multi-country study in west-central Africa (Niger-Nigeria) (2011)
Mobilités nouvelles et insécurités dans les sociétés nomades Fulbé (peules) : étude de plusieurs pays en Afrique Centrale de l'ouest (Niger-Nigeria) (2011)
Whose archives? : conservation and creation of Africanist archives in the post-colonial era (2011)
Africa connects: Mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society: the example of the Bamenda Grassfields, Cameroon (2010)
Local stories, global discussions: websites, politics and identity in African contexts (2010)
Mobile interconnections: reinterpreting distance and relating in the Cameroonian Grassfields (2010)
Researching Africa : Explorations of everyday African encounters (2010)
Grenzen aan etniciteit? Nomadische veehouders in de Sahel en de beperking van ruimte (2009)
Questioning social security in the study of religion in Africa: the ambiguous meaning of the gift in African Pentecostalism and Islam (2009)
The silent victims of humanitarian crisis and livelihood security: a case study among migrants in two Chadian towns (2009)
The wireless camel : mobile phones in Sudan (2009)
Emanuel Mangengin in Cameroon on mobile phones in Africa (2009)
Mobile phones : the new talking drums of everyday Africa (2009)
Introduction: mobile communication and new social spaces in Africa (2009)
The mobile phone, 'modernity' and change in Khartoum, Sudan (2009)
Changing partnerships in African Studies : The example of the African Studies Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands (2008)
Resistencia a la hegemonia fulbe en el Africa occidental durante el siglo XIX (2008)
The Impossibility of Civil Organizations in Post-war Chad (2008)
"The telephone has grown legs" : mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society (2008)
'De telefoon heeft benen gekregen.' Mobiele communicatie en sociale verandering in de marges van Afrika (2008)
Chad (2008)
The Nile connection. Effects and meaning of the mobile phone in a (post)war economy in Karima, Khartoum and Juba, Sudan (2008)
A propósito de resistir: repensar la insurgencia en Africa (2008)
The multiple experiences of civil war in the Guera region of Chad, 1965-1990 (2007)
Mobility and society in the Sahel : An exploration of mobile margins and global governance (2007)
Chad (2007)
Une violence sociale ordinaire. Le developpement social de l'Afrique en question (2007)
Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa : an introduction (2007)
Agency in and from the margins : street children and youth in N'Djaména, Chad (2007)
Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa (2007)
Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa (2007)
Neighbours on the fringes of a small city in post-war Chad (2006)
Ode aan Hamma Sadou, een herder in Midden-Mali (2006)
Gender equality and food security : a development myth (2006)
Chad (2006)
Introduction : une violence sociale ordinaire : le développement social de L'Afrique en question (2006)
État nutritionnel et histoire de vie des "enfants de la rue" à N'Djamena (Tchad) (2006)
Nomadisme, staatsvorming en verzet, de Fulbe samenleving in de Sahel (2006)
Climate change and climate variability in West Africa; Variabilité et changement climatique en Afrique Occidentale (2006)
Climate change and climatic variability in West Africa (2006)
Introduction (2005)
Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development (2005)
Facing dilemmas : former Fulbe slaves in modern Mali (2005)
Chad (2005)
Introduction : climate and society in Central and South Mali (2005)
Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali (2005)
Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared (2004)
Ways forward in livelihood research (2004)
The importance of socio-cultural differences and of pathway analysis for understanding local actors' responses (2004)
L'environnement Dogon (2004)
Urban rural linkages and climnatic variability (2004)
Women, gender and kinship, descent systems and Islam : Sahelian West Africa and North Central Africa (Chad/Sudan) (2004)
Les rapports entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central (2004)
Central Chad revisited : the long term effects of war and drought (2004)
Poverty is bad. Ways forward in livelihood research (2003)
Landgebruik en landbouwstrategieën in het Dogongebied (2003)
Les rois des tambours au Haayre : Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali) (2003)
Climate change and food security in the drylands of West Africa (2003)
Changing population mobility in West Africa : Fulbe pastoralists in central and south Mali (2003)
Resistance to Fulbe hegemony in nineteenth-century West Africa (2003)
De betrekkingen tussen Peul en Dogon in centraal-Mali (2003)
Risk positions and local politics in a Sahelian society. The Fulbe of the Hayre in Central Mali (2003)
From pastoralist to peripatetic : the Fulbe and environmental stress in Central Mali (2003)
Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history (2003)
Introduction (2002)
Annexe : correspondance entre les rois du Haayre et les empires des alentours de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle (2002)
Socio-cultural differences (2001)
Ecology and power in the periphery of Maasina : the case of the Hayre in the nineteenth century (2001)
Cultures of travel : Fulbe pastoralists in central Mali and Pentecostalism in Ghana (2001)
Rapport de synthèse étude évaluation de la contribution des OCF néerlandaises à la construction de la société civile au Mali (2001)
Mobile Africa : an introduction (2001)
Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond (2001)
De Fulbe: een oefening in ecologische en culturele diversiteit (2000)
Rapports interethniques et identité : l'exemple des pasteurs peuls et des cultivateurs hummbeebe au Mali central (2000)
Poverty and mobility in arid lands : the case of Sahelian pastoralists (2000)
Pastoralists under pressure : Fulbe societies confronting change in West Africa (1999)
Inleiding (1999)
De Haayre : vertelling over een nomadisch Koninkrijk (1999)
Ressources vivrières de base ou elevage? Deux projets de développement chez les Fulbe eleveurs du Mali Central (1999)
Insecurity and pastoral development in the Sahel (1999)
Introduction : Changing Frontiers (1999)
The pastoral poor : hazard, crisis and insecurity in Fulbe society in Central Mali (1999)
Review of Alpha Bah, M., 'Fulbe presence in Sierra Leone: a case history of Twentieth-Century migration and settlement among the Kissi of Koindu' - 102 (1999)
Review of Bierschenk,T.;Meur, P-Y. le, 'Trajectoires peules au Bénin, six études anthropologiques' (1999)
Fulbe mobility: migration and travel into Mande (1999)
The translation of anthropological data : how to approach the chaos of fieldwork (1998)
Ethnicity and land in a mobile culture: the case of the Fulbe in Central Mali (1998)
Rights of women to the natural resources land and water (1997)
Les droits des femmes sur les ressources naturelles, en particulier la terre et l'eau (1997)
Antagonisme et solidarité : les relations entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central (1997)
Introduction : Peuls et Mandingues : Dialectique des constructions identitaires (1997)
Gender and land use : diversity in environmental practices (1997)
Peuls et Mandingues : dialectique des constructions identitaires (1997)
The hearthhold in pastoral Fulbe society, central Mali : social relations, milk and drought (1997)
Rechten van vrouwen op de natuurlijke hulpbronnen land en water (1996)
L'image des Fulbe : analyse critique de la construction du concept de 'pulaaku' (1996)
Gargasaabe : Tuareg houtbewerkers bij de Fulbe in de Hayre, Centraal Mali (1996)
Pastoralists, chiefs and bureaucrats : a grazing scheme in dryland Central Mali (1995)
Arid ways : cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, Central Mali (1995)
A pastoral women's economy in crisis : the Fulbe in central Mali (1995)
Drought and coping strategies in Fulbe Society in the Hayre (Central Mali) : a historical perspective (1994)
A pastoral society in crisis after the droughts : who cares for social security? (1994)
The Sahelian crisis and the poor : the role of Islam in social security among Fulbe pastoralists, Central Mali (1994)
Coping with crisis in Sahelian Africa : Fulani pastoralists and Islam (1994)
State formation and the decline of pastoralism : the Fulani in Central Mali (1993)
Changing Fulani-society and social security (1992)
Participatie in milieuprojecten in West-Africa (1988)
Mensen tussen oorzaak en oplossing: sociale aspecten van milieuproblematiek in de Derde Wereld (1987)
Alles komt voort uit de rivier: Fulbe-veehouders in de overstromingsvlakte van de rivier de Logone in Noord-Kameroen, hun milieugebruik en milieuproblemen (1987)
Digitalization and the field of African studies
Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Carl Schlettwein lectures 2019
M.E. de Bruijn
Biographies de la radicalisation : des messages cachés du changement social
Bamenda: Langaa, 2018
M.E. de Bruijn
The Nile connection : effects and meaning of the mobile phone in a (post)war economy in Karima, Khartoum and Juba, Sudan
Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum, ASC working paper 99, 2012
M.E. de Bruijn; I. Brinkman; H. Bilal; P.T. Wani
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"The telephone has grown legs" : mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society
Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2008
M.E. de Bruijn
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'De telefoon heeft benen gekregen.' Mobiele communicatie en sociale verandering in de marges van Afrika
Leiden: Leiden University, 2008
M.E. de Bruijn
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Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali
Leiden: African Studies Centre, Research report ; 78 2005
M.E. de Bruijn; M.M.A. Kaag; K. van Til; J.W.M. van Dijk
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Rapport de synthèse étude évaluation de la contribution des OCF néerlandaises à la construction de la société civile au Mali
Leiden [etc.]: Centre d'Études africaines [etc.], 2001
M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; S. Konimba
Rights of women to the natural resources land and water
The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Working paper 2, Women and Development 1997
K. von Benda-Beckmann; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; G.S.C.M. Hesseling; B. van Koppen; L. Res
Les droits des femmes sur les ressources naturelles, en particulier la terre et l'eau
La Haye: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Document de Travail 2, Femmes et Dèveloppement 1997
K. von Benda-Beckmann; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; G.S.C.M. Hesseling; B. van Koppen; L. Res
Rechten van vrouwen op de natuurlijke hulpbronnen land en water
Den Haag: DGIS DST/VR, 1996
K. von Benda-Beckmann; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; G.S.C.M. Hesseling; B. van Koppen; L. Res
Arid ways : cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, Central Mali
Wageningen: CERES, CERES-series ; no. 1 1995
M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk
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Mensen tussen oorzaak en oplossing: sociale aspecten van milieuproblematiek in de Derde Wereld
Leiden: CML, 1987
J.W.M. van Dijk; M.E. de Bruijn; W.T. de Groot; G. Persoon
Alles komt voort uit de rivier: Fulbe-veehouders in de overstromingsvlakte van de rivier de Logone in Noord-Kameroen, hun milieugebruik en milieuproblemen
Leiden: CML, Milieu en Ontwikkeling in Noord-Kameroen 1987
M.E. de Bruijn
'Connected Sahel-Sahara in turmoil: the past in the future'
In: C. Greiner; S. van Wolputte; M. Bollig: 'African futures', Leiden: Brill, 2022.
'Een nieuwe kijk op de Sahara: de woestijn als een gebied van verbinding'
In: M. Storms: 'Kaarten die geschiedenis schreven: 1000 jaar wereldgeschiedenis in 100 oude kaarten', Tielt: Lannoo, 2022.
'A new view of the Sahara: the desert as a connecting space'
In: M. Storms: 'Maps that made history: 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps', Tielt: Lannoo, 2022.
'Drylands connected: mobile communication and changing power positions in (nomadic) pastoral societies'
In: A.K. Garcia; T. Haller; J.W.M. van Dijk; C. Samimi; J. Warner: 'Drylands facing change: interventions, investments and identities', London: Routledge, 2022.
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'Mediatization of ethnographic research practice in the digital age: an essay about research and Sahel dynamics since 1990s'
In: L. Kroeker; A. Dreiser; C. Samimi: 'Frontiers in African digital research: conference proceedings', Bayreuth: University of Bayreuth African Studies Online (UoBASO), 2022.
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'Engagement politique populaire dans un Tchad connecté'
In: E. Chauvin; O. Langlois; C. Seignobos; C. Baroin: Montpellier: IRD Éditions, 2020.
'Biographies radicalization : hidden messages of social change'
Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019.
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'Introduction: biographies of radicalization-hidden messages of social change'
'Biographies of radicalization, hidden messages of social change', Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, Oldenbourg, 2019.
'Mobile phones in mobile margins: communication, mobility and social hierarchies in/from Africa'
In: B. Mutsvairo: 'Palgrave handbook for media and communications research in Africa', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
'Introduction: la radicalisation et les messages cachés du changement social'
'Biographies de la radicalisation : des messages cachés du changement social', Bamenda: Langaa, 2018.
'Introduction: la radicalisation et les messages cachés du changement social'
'Biographies de la radicalisation : des messages cachés du changement social', Bamenda: Langaa, 2018.
'Mediated political agency in contested Africa'
In: L. Hjorth; H. Horst; A. Galloway; G. Bell: 'The Routledge companion to digital ethnography', New York: Routledge, 2017.
'Stamps surrender to mobile phones: reading the communication ecology of erstwhile West Cameroon'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken: 'The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
'Citizen journalism at crossroads : mediated political agency and duress in Central Africa'
In: B. Mutsvairo: 'Participatory politics and citizen journalism in a networked Africa : a connected continent', London [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
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'Connectivity and the postglobal moment: (dis)connections and social change in Africa'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk: 'The social life of connectivity in Africa', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
'Conflict mobility and the search for peace in Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Land, law and politics in Africa: mediating conflict and reshaping the State', Leiden: Brill, 2011.
'Africa connects: Mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society: the example of the Bamenda Grassfields, Cameroon'
In: M. Fernández-Ardèvol; A. Ros Híjar: 'Communication technologies in Latin America and Africa: a multidisciplinary perspective', Barcelona: IN3, 2010.
'Local stories, global discussions: websites, politics and identity in African contexts'
In: H. Wasserman: 'Popular media, democracy and development in Africa', London/New York: Routledge, 2010.
'Grenzen aan etniciteit? Nomadische veehouders in de Sahel en de beperking van ruimte'
In: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum: 'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat', Diemen: Uitgeverij AMB, 2009.
'Questioning social security in the study of religion in Africa: the ambiguous meaning of the gift in African Pentecostalism and Islam'
In: C. Leutloff-Grandits; A. Peleikis; T. Thelen: 'Social security in religious networks: anthropological perspectives on new risks and ambivalences', New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2009.
'Introduction: mobile communication and new social spaces in Africa'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; I. Brinkman: 'Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa', Bamenda/Leiden: Langaa/African Studies Centre, 2009.
'The mobile phone, 'modernity' and change in Khartoum, Sudan'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; I. Brinkman: 'Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa', Bamenda: Cameroon: Langaa Publishers, 2009.
'Changing partnerships in African Studies : The example of the African Studies Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands'
In: E.W. Schamp; S. Schmid: 'Academic cooperation with Africa. Lessons for partnership in higher education', Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2008.
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'Resistencia a la hegemonia fulbe en el Africa occidental durante el siglo XIX'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven: 'A Propósito de Resistir: Repensar la Insurgencia en Africa', Barcelona: Oozebap, 2008.
'The Impossibility of Civil Organizations in Post-war Chad'
In: A. Bellagamba; G. Klute: 'Beside the State: Emergent Powers in Contemporary Africa', Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe Publishers, 2008.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007', Leiden: Brill, 2008.
'Mobility and society in the Sahel : An exploration of mobile margins and global governance'
In: H. Hahn; G. Klute: 'Cultures of Migration', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2007.
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In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2006', Leiden: Brill, 2007.
'Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa : an introduction'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald: 'Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2007.
'Agency in and from the margins : street children and youth in N'Djaména, Chad'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald: 'Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2007.
'Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa'
In: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan: 'African Alternatives', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2007.
'Neighbours on the fringes of a small city in post-war Chad'
In: P.J.J. Konings; D.W.J. Foeken: 'Crisis and creativity, exploring the wealth of the African neighbourhood', Leiden: Brill, 2006.
'Ode aan Hamma Sadou, een herder in Midden-Mali'
In: G. Mommersteeg; T. Robben: 'Een handvol kolanoten : antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek', Maastricht: Shaker Publishers, 2006.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2005', Leiden: Brill, 2006.
'Introduction : une violence sociale ordinaire : le développement social de L'Afrique en question'
'Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development', 2006.
'Climate change and climate variability in West Africa; Variabilité et changement climatique en Afrique Occidentale'
'Responding to cimate change; Solutions aux changements climatiques', RTCC, 2006.
In: J. Bouju; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development', 2005.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004', Leiden: Brill, 2005.
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'Introduction : climate and society in Central and South Mali'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; M.M.A. Kaag; K. van Til: 'Sahelian Pathways', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2005.
'Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands. With a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'Ways forward in livelihood research'
In: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers: 'Globalization and development: themes and concepts in current research', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'The importance of socio-cultural differences and of pathway analysis for understanding local actors' responses'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands : with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'L'environnement Dogon'
In: R.M.A. Bedaux; J.D. van der Waals: 'Regards sur les Dogon du Mali', Gent: Snoeck, 2004.
'Urban rural linkages and climnatic variability'
In: A.J. Dietz; J. Verhagen; R. Ruben: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
'Women, gender and kinship, descent systems and Islam : Sahelian West Africa and North Central Africa (Chad/Sudan)'
'Encyclopedia on Islam', Leiden: Brill, 2004.
'Les rapports entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central'
In: R.M.A. Bedaux; J.D. van der Waals: 'Regards sur les Dogon du Mali', Gent: Snoeck, 2004.
'Landgebruik en landbouwstrategieën in het Dogongebied'
In: R.M.A. Bedaux; J.D. van der Waals: 'Dogon : mythe en werkelijkheid in Mali', Gent: Snoeck, 2003.
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'Climate change and food security in the drylands of West Africa'
In: A.J. Dolman; A. Verhagen; C.A. Rover: 'Global environmental change and land use', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003.
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'Resistance to Fulbe hegemony in nineteenth-century West Africa'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; G.J. Abbink; K. van Walraven: 'Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history', Leiden: Brill, 2003.
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'De betrekkingen tussen Peul en Dogon in centraal-Mali'
In: R.M.A. Bedaux; J.D. van der Waals: 'Dogon : mythe en werkelijkheid in Mali', Gent: Snoeck, 2003.
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'Risk positions and local politics in a Sahelian society. The Fulbe of the Hayre in Central Mali'
In: B. Mosely; L.B. Ikubolajeh: '(Inter)National Political Economies and Local Ecologies: Rural African Livelihoods in a Political Ecology Context', Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.
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'From pastoralist to peripatetic : the Fulbe and environmental stress in Central Mali'
In: B. Benzing; B. Hermann: 'Exploitation and Overexploitation in Societies Past and Present', Munster: Lit-verlag, 2003.
In: M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; C. Angenent; A. Breedveld: 'Les rois des tambours au Haayre: Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali)', Leiden: Brill, 2002.
'Annexe : correspondance entre les rois du Haayre et les empires des alentours de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; C. Angenent; A. Breedveld: 'Les rois des tambours au Haayre : Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali)', Leiden: Brill, 2002.
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'Socio-cultural differences'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The Impact of Climate Change on Drylands: With a Focus on West Africa', Bilthoven: RIVM, 2001.
'Cultures of travel : Fulbe pastoralists in central Mali and Pentecostalism in Ghana'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; D.W.J. Foeken; R.A. van Dijk: 'Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond', Leiden: Brill, 2001.
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'Mobile Africa : an introduction'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; D.W.J. Foeken: 'Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2001.
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'Mali, een land van vele werkelijkheden'
'Afrika expert bijeenkomst, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Congo, Rwanda', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2001.
'De Fulbe: een oefening in ecologische en culturele diversiteit'
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'Rapports interethniques et identité : l'exemple des pasteurs peuls et des cultivateurs hummbeebe au Mali central'
'L'ethnicité peule dans des contextes nouveaux : la dynamique des frontières', 2000.
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'Poverty and mobility in arid lands : the case of Sahelian pastoralists'
In: W.G. Pansters: 'Rethinking poverty, comparative perspectives from below', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2000.
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In: C. Angenent; A. Breedveld; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk: 'De Haayre: vertelling over een nomadisch Koninkrijk', Rijswijk: Elmar, 1999.
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'Ressources vivrières de base ou elevage? Deux projets de développement chez les Fulbe eleveurs du Mali Central'
In: R. Botte; J. Boutrais; J. Schmitz: 'Figures Peules', Paris: Karthala, 1999.
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'The pastoral poor : hazard, crisis and insecurity in Fulbe society in Central Mali'
In: V. Azarya; A. Breedveld; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk: 'Pastoralists under pressure? Fulbe societies confronting change in West Africa', Leiden: Brill, 1999.
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'Armoede in de Sahel : de culturele dimensie'
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'The translation of anthropological data : how to approach the chaos of fieldwork'
In: E. van Dongen; S. van Londen: 'Anthropology of difference : essays in honour of professor Arie de Ruijter', Utrecht: ISOR, 1998.
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'Antagonisme et solidarité : les relations entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk: 'Peuls et Mandingues: Dialectique des constructions identitaires', Paris, Leiden: Karthala, Afrika-studiecentrum, 1997.
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'Introduction : Peuls et Mandingues : Dialectique des constructions identitaires'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk: 'Peuls et Mandingues : dialectique des constructions identitaires, Karthala en Afrika-studiecentrum', Paris, Leiden: Karthala, Afrika-studiecentrum, 1997.
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'Pastoralists, chiefs and bureaucrats : a grazing scheme in dryland Central Mali'
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In: J. Markakis: 'Conflict and the decline of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa', London: MacMillan Press Ltd, 1993.
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Ordinary violence and social change in Africa
J. Bouju; M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum series 31, 2014.
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Side@Ways : mobile margins and the dynamics of communication in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; I. Brinkman (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: African Studies Centre & Langaa Publishers, 2013.
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The social life of connectivity in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
The social life of connectivity in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk (editors)
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Special issue: Ideologies of youth
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; C. Cardoso; I.C. Butter (editors)
Africa Development, ISSN 0850-3907, vol. 36, nr. 3 2011.
Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state
G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African dynamics 10, 2011.
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Researching Africa : Explorations of everyday African encounters
M.E. de Bruijn; D. Merolla (editors)
Leiden: African Studies Centre, African studies collection 26, 2010.
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Mobile phones : the new talking drums of everyday Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; I. Brinkman (editors)
Bamenda: Cameroon: Langaa Publishers, 2009.
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A propósito de resistir: repensar la insurgencia en Africa
G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven (editors)
Barcelona: Oozebap, 2008.
Une violence sociale ordinaire. Le developpement social de l'Afrique en question
J. Bouju; M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
APAD Bulletin ; 1&2 2007.
Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald (editors)
Leiden: Brill, African dynamics 6, 2007.
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Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development
M.E. de Bruijn; J. Bouju (editors)
Münster: LIT Verlag, APAD Bulletin ; no. 27/28 2005.
Les rois des tambours au Haayre : Récitée par Aamadu Baa Digi, griot des Fulbe à Dalla (Mali)
J.W.M. van Dijk; M.E. de Bruijn; A. Breedveld; C. Angenent (editors)
Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history
G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African dynamics 2, 2003.
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Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; D.W.J. Foeken (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African dynamics 1, 2001.
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Pastoralists under pressure : Fulbe societies confronting change in West Africa
J.W.M. van Dijk; V. Azarya; A. Breedveld; M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
Leiden: Brill, 1999.
De Haayre : vertelling over een nomadisch Koninkrijk
J.W.M. van Dijk; C. Angenent; A. Breedveld; M.E. de Bruijn (editors)
Rijswijk: Elmar, 1999 - Bibliotheca Africana, 1999.
Gender and land use : diversity in environmental practices
M.E. de Bruijn; I. van Halsema; H. van den Homberg (editors)
Amsterdam: Thela, 1997.
Peuls et Mandingues : dialectique des constructions identitaires
M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk (editors)
Paris [etc.]: Karthala [etc.], Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600 1997.
'“Aren’t we all journalists?”: citizen journalism, disinformation and the weaponization of social media in conflict torn Mali'
in: Journalism, vol. pre-print, 2025.
'"Factforward": foretelling the future of Africa's information disorder'
in: The bulletin of technology & public life, 2023.
'Les réseaux sociaux dans la dynamique des conflits au centre du Mali: un exemple de journalisme citoyen à travers la plateforme numérique KI'
in: Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 305-325, 2023.
'Social media in the global South: a network dataset of the Malian twittersphere'
in: Journal of data mining & digital humanities , 2023.
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in: Drylands facing change: interventions, investments and identities, pp. 155-173, 2022.
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in: The Guardian, 2022.
'Female slam poets of francophone Africa: spirited words for social change'
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'Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium measured by a mobile health system in an unexplored endemic region in the subprefecture of Torrock, Chad'
in: JMIR public health and surveillance, vol. 5, no. 2, 2019.
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'Climate migration myths'
in: Nature climate change, vol. 9, pp. 898-903, 2019.
'Expressions of duress on Facebook by Chadian urban youth in the Diaspora and N'Djam‚na'
in: Conflict and society: advances in research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 259 - 274, 2018.
'Introduction : understanding experiences and decisions in situations of enduring hardship in Africa'
in: Conflict and society: advances in research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 186 - 198, 2018.
'La radicalisation, symptome d'une crise de la jeunesse pastorale? '
in: Grain de sel : la revue d'inter-réseaux développement rural, no. 73-74, pp. 37 - 38, 2017.
'The mobile phone and society in South Sudan: a critical historical-anthropological approach'
in: Journal of African Media Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 323 - 337, 2017.
'Youth between state and rebel (dis)orders: contesting legitimacy from below in Sub-Sahara Africa'
in: Small wars & insurgencies, vol. 28, no. 4-5, pp. 779 - 798, 2017.
'Croquemort : a biographical journey in the context of Chad'
in: Bridging humanities, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017.
'Autour d'un livre. 'Le métier des armes au Tchad: le gouvernement de l'entre-guerres' de Marielle Debos'
in: Politique africaine, no. 132, pp. 175 - 196, 2013.
'Mobiele telefoniecultuur in Afrika: internationaal vakmanschap in Kameroen'
in: Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 245 - 249, 2012.
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'Connecting and change in African societies: examples of 'ethnographies of linking' in anthropology'
in: Anthropologica, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 45 - 59, 2012.
'Mobility, ICT and social relations in Africa'
in: NVAS Newsletter, 2011.
'Communicating Africa : researching Mobile communities, communication technologies and social transformation in Angola and Cameroon'
in: Autrepart, vol. 57/58, pp. 41 - 57, 2011.
'Mobile interconnections: reinterpreting distance and relating in the Cameroonian Grassfields'
in: Journal of African Media Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 267 - 285, 2010.
'The silent victims of humanitarian crisis and livelihood security: a case study among migrants in two Chadian towns'
in: JAMBA: Journal of disaster risk studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 253 - 272, 2009.
'The multiple experiences of civil war in the Guera region of Chad, 1965-1990'
in: Sociologus, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 61 - 98, 2007.
'Gender equality and food security : a development myth'
in: CODESRIA Bulletin, special issue on the African Woman, vol. 1 & 2, pp. 63 - 65, 2006.
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'État nutritionnel et histoire de vie des "enfants de la rue" à N'Djamena (Tchad)'
in: Psychopathologie Africaine 2005-2006, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 183 - 211, 2006.
'Nomadisme, staatsvorming en verzet, de Fulbe samenleving in de Sahel'
in: Zem Zem, no. 3, pp. 98 - 102, 2006.
'Facing dilemmas : former Fulbe slaves in modern Mali'
in: Canadian journal of African studies, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 69 - 96, 2005.
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'Changing population mobility in West Africa : Fulbe pastoralists in central and south Mali'
in: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, vol. 102, no. 407, pp. 285 - 307, 2003.
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'Ecology and power in the periphery of Maasina : the case of the Hayre in the nineteenth century'
in: The journal of African history, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 217 - 238, 2001.
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'Insecurity and pastoral development in the Sahel'
in: Development and change, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 115 - 139, 1999.
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'Fulbe mobility: migration and travel into Mande'
in: Mande studies, no. 1, pp. 41 - 62, 1999.
'The hearthhold in pastoral Fulbe society, central Mali : social relations, milk and drought'
in: Africa : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 625 - 651, 1997.
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'L'image des Fulbe : analyse critique de la construction du concept de 'pulaaku''
in: Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, vol. 36, no. 144, pp. 791 - 821, 1996.
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'Gargasaabe : Tuareg houtbewerkers bij de Fulbe in de Hayre, Centraal Mali'
in: De Baobab, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 33 - 37, 1996.
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'A pastoral women's economy in crisis : the Fulbe in central Mali'
in: Nomadic peoples, vol. 36/37, pp. 85 - 104, 1995.
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'Drought and coping strategies in Fulbe Society in the Hayre (Central Mali) : a historical perspective'
in: Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, vol. 34 (1-3), no. 133-135, pp. 85 - 108, 1994.
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'The Sahelian crisis and the poor : the role of Islam in social security among Fulbe pastoralists, Central Mali'
in: Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologieFocaal, vol. 22/23, no. 47, pp. 63, 1994.
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'Coping with crisis in Sahelian Africa : Fulani pastoralists and Islam'
in: Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologie, vol. 22 / 23, pp. 47 - 65, 1994.
'Review of Alpha Bah, M., 'Fulbe presence in Sierra Leone: a case history of Twentieth-Century migration and settlement among the Kissi of Koindu' - 102'
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'Review of Bierschenk,T.;Meur, P-Y. le, 'Trajectoires peules au Bénin, six études anthropologiques''
Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, vol. 153, no. 39, pp. 186 - 188, 1999.
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