Harry Wels
Harry Wels is the Publications Manager of the African Studies Centre Leiden. He is trained as an organisational anthropologist.
His research is primarily focused on South and Southern Africa and is about organisational structures of cooperation in the context of nature conservation and touches on and relates to broader issues in Human-Animal studies. He is the convenor of the ASCL Collaborative Research Group Trans-species perspectives on African Studies.
Harry is Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is also Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape and a Research Fellow at the University of Pretoria.
Dr. H. Wels's profile on the Leiden University website
Publications manager
+31 (0)71 527 3771
Room number: 0.56
Dr. H. Wels's profile on the Leiden University website
Publications by H. Wels via Google Scholar
Patterns of Living in Southern Africa, 1780s to the present
(Collaborative Research Group)
Trans-species perspectives on African Studies
(Collaborative Research Group)
Displaying 1 - 34 of 34
Camel ownership as a passage to adulthood in Omani Bedouin culture (2024)
I. Al Wahaibi; V. Dauletova; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
The call of ‘thinking wild’ in times of climate disaster: indigenous wisdom from Southern Africa (2022)
C. Boonzaaier; H. Wels
Editors: R. Okech; D. Kieti; V.R. van der Duim
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Camels in the Bedouin community of Oman: beyond the human-animal binary (2022)
I. Alwahaibi; V. Dauletova; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Challenging patriarchal, colonial patronage in anthropocentric engagements with 'nature conservation': narratives of white male game rangers in Southern Africa (2022)
T. Shefer; I. Sabelis; H. Wels
Editors: U. Mellström; B. Pease
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Wild pedagogies for doing multispecies organizational ethnography: using the tracking craft of the Southern African San (2022)
H. Wels; F. Kamsteeg
Editors: L. Tallberg; L. Hamilton
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
‘Double barrelled’ ironies in history: a coincidental discovery of Cecil John Rhodes at the Zuid-Afrikahuis in Amsterdam (2022)
F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Editors: J. Stobbe; R. Deen; M. van der Waal
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
'New ordinary' of 'winners' : South Africa as part of BRICS (2019)
J.B. Gewald; F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
The 'end of organization' and morality : a short reflexive essay in honour of Professor Peter Groenewegen (2018)
F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Editors: C. Moser
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Reconciling neo-liberalism and community based tourism in South Africa : the African Ivory route (2018)
C. Boonzaaier; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation? (2018)
Editors: J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book
Rewilding white lions : conservation through the eyes of carnivores? (2018)
H. Wels
Editors: J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Introduction : people, animals, morality, and marginality: reconfiguring wildlife conservation in Southern Africa (2018)
J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
The critical fence : a Dietzian reflection on divergent fieldwork (2017)
R.A. van Dijk; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Fencing predators: hunters and prey on South African game farms (2016)
M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Juxtaposing a cultural reading of landscape with institutional boundaries: the case of the Masebe Nature Reserve, South Africa (2016)
C. Boonzaaier; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Hidden lives, invisible vocation?: giving voice to game rangers' wives in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2016)
I. Sabelis; T. van Vliet; H. Wels
Editors: M. Phillips; N. Rumens
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Securing wilderness landscapes in South Africa : Nick Steele, private wildlife conservancies and saving rhinos (2015)
H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book
Diversification strategies in the Netherlands agricultural sector (2013)
M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: F. Hendricks; L. Ntsebeza; K. Helliker
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Whispering empathy: transdisciplinary reflections on research methodology (2013)
H. Wels
Editors: B. Musschenga; A. van Harskamp
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
The organization of hypocrisy?: juxtaposing tourists and farm dwellers in game farming in South Africa (2012)
S. Brooks; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: W.E.A. van Beek; A. Schmidt
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Traveling ideas: equality and power play around "diversity" at North-West University (NWU), South Africa (2012)
F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Globalization and diversity - from local quality to global inspiration (2012)
I. Sabelis; F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Editors: C. Cremer-Renz; B. Jansen-Schultz
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Foreword two: Business anthropology is a growing field of study (2012)
H. Wels
Editors: R. Tian; D. Zhou; A.H. van Marrewijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Sponsoring nature: environmental philanthropy for conservation (2011)
Editors: M. Ramutsidela; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book
Conservative philanthropists, royalty and business elites in nature conservation in southern Africa (2011)
M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: D. Brockington; R. Duffy
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Resistance of local communities against marginalization in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (2011)
M. Spierenburg; C. Steenkamp; H. Wels
Editors: T. Salman; M. de Theije
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Victor Turner and liminality: an introduction (2011)
H. Wels; K. van der Waal; A. Spiegel; F. Kamsteeg
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Special edition: Thinking Victor Turner's 'liminality' from southern Africa today (2011)
Editors: H. Wels; C.S. van der Waal; A. Spiegel; F. Kamsteeg
Type of Publication: Book
Waiting in liminal space : migrants' queuing for Home Affairs in South Africa (2011)
R. Sutton; D. Vigneswaran; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Van kwaad tot regenboog: emoties rond verzoening. Van Desmond Tutu tot Jonathan Jansen (2011)
F. Kamsteeg; H. Wels
Editors: B. Musschenga; B. Siertsema
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Foreword two: Business anthropology is a growing field of study (2011)
H. Wels
Editors: R. Tian; D. Zhou; A.H. van Marrewijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Governance and development in Southern Africa: proceedings from the third DPRN regional expert meeting on Southern Africa. (2010)
Editors: A.J. Dietz; H. Wels; A. Habib
Type of Publication: Book
Competing jurisdictions : settling land claims in Africa (2005)
S.J.T.M. Evers; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book
Private wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe : joint ventures and reciprocity (2003)
H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Securing wilderness landscapes in South Africa : Nick Steele, private wildlife conservancies and saving rhinos
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum series 34, 2015
H. Wels
Full text
Competing jurisdictions : settling land claims in Africa
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum series 6, 2005
S.J.T.M. Evers; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Full text
Private wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe : joint ventures and reciprocity
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum series 2, 2003
H. Wels
Full text
'‘Double barrelled’ ironies in history: a coincidental discovery of Cecil John Rhodes at the Zuid-Afrikahuis in Amsterdam'
In: J. Stobbe; R. Deen; M. van der Waal: 'Magic visions: portraying and inventing South Africa with lantern slides', Amsterdam: Zuid-Afrika Huis Cultuur en Kenniscentrum, 2022.
'Wild pedagogies for doing multispecies organizational ethnography: using the tracking craft of the Southern African San'
In: L. Tallberg; L. Hamilton: 'The Oxford handbook of animal organization studies', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
'Challenging patriarchal, colonial patronage in anthropocentric engagements with 'nature conservation': narratives of white male game rangers in Southern Africa'
In: U. Mellström; B. Pease: 'Posthumanism and the man question: beyond anthropocentric masculinities', London: Routledge, 2022.
'The call of ‘thinking wild’ in times of climate disaster: indigenous wisdom from Southern Africa'
In: R. Okech; D. Kieti; V.R. van der Duim: 'Tourism, climate change and biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2022.
Full text
'Introduction : people, animals, morality, and marginality: reconfiguring wildlife conservation in Southern Africa'
In: J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels: 'Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
'Rewilding white lions : conservation through the eyes of carnivores?'
In: J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels: 'Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
'The 'end of organization' and morality : a short reflexive essay in honour of Professor Peter Groenewegen'
In: C. Moser: 'The end of organization : in honour of Prof. Peter Groenewegen', Amsterdam: Department of Organization Sciences, 2018.
'The critical fence : a Dietzian reflection on divergent fieldwork'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken: 'The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
'Fencing predators: hunters and prey on South African game farms'
Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR), 2016.
'Hidden lives, invisible vocation?: giving voice to game rangers' wives in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa'
In: M. Phillips; N. Rumens: London: Routledge, 2016.
'Whispering empathy: transdisciplinary reflections on research methodology'
In: B. Musschenga; A. van Harskamp: 'What makes us moral?: on the capacities and conditions for being moral', Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
'Diversification strategies in the Netherlands agricultural sector'
In: F. Hendricks; L. Ntsebeza; K. Helliker: 'The promise of land: undoing a century of dispossession in South Africa', Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2013.
'Foreword two: Business anthropology is a growing field of study'
In: R. Tian; D. Zhou; A.H. van Marrewijk: 'Advanced readings in business anthropology', Atlanta: North American Business Press, 2012.
'Globalization and diversity - from local quality to global inspiration'
In: C. Cremer-Renz; B. Jansen-Schultz: 'Von der Internationalisierung der Hochschule zur Transkulturellen Wissenschaft', Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012.
'The organization of hypocrisy?: juxtaposing tourists and farm dwellers in game farming in South Africa'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; A. Schmidt: 'African hosts & their guests: cultural dynamics of tourism', Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2012.
'Foreword two: Business anthropology is a growing field of study'
In: R. Tian; D. Zhou; A.H. van Marrewijk: 'Advanced readings in business anthropology', Atlanta: North American Business Press, 2011.
'Van kwaad tot regenboog: emoties rond verzoening. Van Desmond Tutu tot Jonathan Jansen'
In: B. Musschenga; B. Siertsema: 'Het kwaad: reflecties op de zwarte zijde van ons bestaan', Vught: Uitgeverij Skandalon, 2011.
'Resistance of local communities against marginalization in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area'
In: T. Salman; M. de Theije: 'Local battles, global stakes: the globalization of local conflicts and the localization of global interests', Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2011.
'Conservative philanthropists, royalty and business elites in nature conservation in southern Africa'
In: D. Brockington; R. Duffy: 'Capitalism and conservation', Baden-Baden: Oxford, 2011.
Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?
J.B. Gewald; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African dynamics 16, 2018.
Full text
Special edition: Thinking Victor Turner's 'liminality' from southern Africa today
H. Wels; C.S. van der Waal; A. Spiegel; F. Kamsteeg (editors)
1-2, 2011.
Sponsoring nature: environmental philanthropy for conservation
M. Ramutsidela; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels (editors)
London: Earthscan, 2011.
Governance and development in Southern Africa: proceedings from the third DPRN regional expert meeting on Southern Africa.
A.J. Dietz; H. Wels; A. Habib (editors)
Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 2010.
'Camel ownership as a passage to adulthood in Omani Bedouin culture'
in: Anthrozoös, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 197-211, 2024.
'Camels in the Bedouin community of Oman: beyond the human-animal binary'
in: Anthrozoös, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2022.
''New ordinary' of 'winners' : South Africa as part of BRICS'
in: Clingendael spectator, vol. 73, no. 1, 2019.
Full text
'Reconciling neo-liberalism and community based tourism in South Africa : the African Ivory route'
in: EuropeNow, 2018.
'Juxtaposing a cultural reading of landscape with institutional boundaries: the case of the Masebe Nature Reserve, South Africa'
in: Landscape research, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 922 - 933, 2016.
'Traveling ideas: equality and power play around "diversity" at North-West University (NWU), South Africa'
in: International journal of business anthropology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 88 - 106, 2012.
'Waiting in liminal space : migrants' queuing for Home Affairs in South Africa'
in: Anthropology Southern Africa, vol. 34, no. 1-2, pp. 30 - 37, 2011.
'Victor Turner and liminality: an introduction'
in: Anthropology Southern Africa, vol. 34, no. 1-2, pp. 1 - 4, 2011.
Project status:
Blogs by this author in the ASCL Africanist Blog:
16 March 2021
09 January 2020
06 May 2019
08 January 2019
09 April 2018