Rijk van Dijk

Rijk van Dijk is an anthropologist. He is an expert on Pentecostalism, globalisation and transnationalism, migration, youth and healing. He has been appointed Professor of Religion in Contemporary Africa and its Diaspora at the ASCL, University of Leiden, as of 1 September 2017. He is also Head of the Graduate Programme African Studies.

Rijk van Dijk has done extensive research on the rise of Pentecostal movements in the urban areas of Malawi, Ghana and Botswana. He is the author of Young Malawian Puritans (Utrecht, ISOR Press, 1993) and has co-edited nine other books including The Quest for Fruition through Ngoma (Oxford, James Currey 2000) with Ria Reis and Marja Spierenburg, and Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa. Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives (London, Ashgate Publ. 2014) with Hansjoerg Dilger, Marian Burchardt and Thera Rasing. His current research deals with religious, in particular Pentecostal, engagement with the domains of relationships and sexuality in Botswana. A recently published article, entitled ‘The Tent versus Lobola; marriage, monetary intimacies and the new face of responsibility in Botswana’ (2017) deals with insights gained from his ongoing research.
He is also the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the journal African Diaspora. A Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World (published by Brill).

Rijk van Dijk is a guest professor of the Centre of Excellence and the Ethnology-programme at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Here he is engaging with the study of Life Skills, Counselling and the Ethics of Responsibility by contributing his research on 'The Social Life of Responsibilization. Marriage as a "Life-Project" in Botswana'. 

Keywords: African diaspora, pentecostalism, religion and youth, religion, sexuality and relationships in Africa

Prof. Dr. R.A. (Rijk) van Dijk
Senior researcher
+31 (0)71 527 6607
Room number: 0.50
Displaying 1 - 153 of 153

Religious relevance interests: Pentecostalism and super-diversity in Gaborone, Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: D. Pellow; S. Scheld
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Introduction: Hedging in demons and the uncanny
T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Marriage and the ambiguities of ‘seeds’: an exploration of intentions and transparency in relations in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk; S.D. Seturne
Editors: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny
Editors: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Conceptualizing the after-crisis through ethnographies of postcrisis situations in Africa
M. Bedert; A. Bochow; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Family resemblances in action: an introduction to religiopolitical activism in Southern Africa
R.A. van Dijk; T.G. Kirsch; F. Duarte dos Santos
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Pentecostalism and the arts of insistence: examples from Botswana
R.A. van Dijk; K. Molenaar
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Special issue: Religiopolitical activism in Southern Africa
Editors: F. Duarte dos Santos; T.G. Kirsch; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

Labour of love: secrecy and kinship among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in The Netherlands
A. Bakuri; R. Spronk; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Religious sophistication in African pentecostalism: an urban spirit?
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: H. Dilger; A. Bochow; M. Burchardt; M. Wilhelm-Solomon
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Professional and religious approaches to care for West African victims of human trafficking in The Netherlands: the challenge of new Pentecostalism
L.ten Kate; A.W. Braam; R.A. van Dijk; J. van Ravesteyn; F. Bergmans
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Miraculous unhappiness : does Botswana need a Ministry of Laughter?
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

Introduction: new ethical fields and the implicitness/explicitness of ethics in Africa
A. Bochow; T.G. Kirsch; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Marriage as an end, or the end of marriage? : change and continuity in Southern African marriages
J. Pauli; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Ethics as ideals in practice
A. Bochow; Th. Kirsch; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

The critical fence : a Dietzian reflection on divergent fieldwork
R.A. van Dijk; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Editors: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The strings, strains and strides of transnational competence: complex ambiguities
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: N. Beckmann; A. Gusman; C. Shroff
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Introduction: Strings attached: AIDS and the rise of transnational connections in Africa
N. Beckmann; A. Gusman; C. Shroff; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: N. Beckmann; A. Gusman; C. Shroff
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Introduction: Religion and AIDS-treatment in Africa: the redemptive moment
H. Dilger; M. Burchardt; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: R.A. van Dijk; H. Dilger; M. Burchardt; T. Rasing
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Religion and AIDS treatment in Africa: saving souls, prolonging lives
Editors: R.A. van Dijk; H. Dilger; M. Burchardt; T. Rasing
Type of Publication: Book

Editorial introduction: sexuality, intimacy and counselling: perspectives from Africa
E. Moyer; M. Burchardt; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Special issue: Counselling, sexuality and intimacy: perspectives from Africa
Editors: E. Moyer; M. Burchardt; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Geboorte in een Ghanese Pinksterkerk: postmodern vieren in Den Haag
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: I. Stengs
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

'Dal campo all' inclusione: discorsi di trans-soggttivita nella diaspora pentecostale ghanese
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: P. Schirripa
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The social cocktail: weddings and the innovative mixing of competences in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: J.B. Gewald; A.H.M. Leliveld; I. Peša
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Connecting and change in African societies: examples of 'ethnographies of linking' in anthropology
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

A ritual connection: urban youth, marrying in the village in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Connectivity and the postglobal moment: (dis)connections and social change in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The social life of connectivity in Africa
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Special issue: Ideologies of youth
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; C. Cardoso; I.C. Butter
Type of Publication: Book

Introduction: economic ethnographies of the marketization of health and healing in Africa
M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The redemptive moment: antiretroviral treatment (ART's) and the production of new religious spaces in Africa:an introduction
Editors: R.A. van Dijk; H. Dilger; M. Buchardt
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Marriage, commodification and the romantic ethic in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Pentecostals moving South-South: Brazilian and Ghanaian transnationalism in Southern Africa compared
R.A. van Dijk; L. van de Kamp
Editors: A. Adogame; J. Spickard
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Cities and linking hot spots: subjective rescaling, Ghanaian migration and the fragmentation of urban spaces
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: N. Glick Schiller; C. Caglar
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa
Editors: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Gloves in times of AIDS: Pentecostalism, Hair and Social Distancing in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: F. Becker; P.W. Geizzler
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Social catapulting and the spirit of the entrepreneurialism: migrants, private initiative and the pentecostal ethic in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: G. Hüwelmeier; K. Krause
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Questioning social security in the study of religion in Africa: the ambiguous meaning of the gift in African Pentecostalism and Islam
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: C. Leutloff-Grandits; A. Peleikis; T. Thelen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Introduction and Editorial
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat
G.J. Abbink; R.A. van Dijk; A. van Dokkum
Editors: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The safe and suffering body in transnational Ghanaian Pentecostalism: towards an anthropology of vulnerable agency
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Testing Nightscapes: Ghanian Pentecostal politics of the nocturnal
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa : an introduction
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Editors: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book

The African neighbourhood: an introduction
P.J.J. Konings; D.W.J. Foeken; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: P.J.J. Konings; D.W.J. Foeken
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Transnational images of Pentecostal healing: comparative examples from Malawi and Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: T.J. Luedke; H.G. West
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

'Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia': Pentecostal Pan-Africanism and Ghanaian identities in the transnational domain
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

R.A. van Dijk; G. Sabar
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Transcending the nation. Explorations of transnationalism as a concept and phenomenon
R.A. van Dijk; V. Mazzucato; C. Horst; P. de Vries
Editors: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Transnationalisme en identiteit: de Ghanese gemeenschap in Den Haag
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: L.A.C.J. Lucassen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Creating and contesting urban space through audotiry strategies in Accra
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Localisation, Ghanaian Pentecostalism and Issues of citizenship in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture : an introduction
W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Situating globality : African agency in the appropriation of global culture
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald
Type of Publication: Book

Een schijn van voodoo : culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie : een verkenning
R.A. van Dijk; T. Rasing; N. Tellegen; W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Type of Publication: Book

Localisation, Ghanaian Pentecostalism and the stranger's beauty in Botswana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Pentecostalism and the politics of prophetic power: religious modernity in Ghana
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: N. Kasfelt
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Transnationalisme en Identiteit: de Ghanese gemeenschap in Den Haag
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: L.A.C.J. Lucassen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Ghanaian churches in the Netherlands : religion mediating a tense relationship
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: W.M.J.van Kessel
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: D.F. Bryceson; U. Vuorela
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Modernity's limits: Pentecostalism and the moral rejection of alcohol in Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: D.F. Bryceson
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Time and transcultural technologies of the self in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: A. Corten; R. Marshall-Fratani
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Witchcraft and scepticism by proxy : Pentecostalism and laughter in urban Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: H. Moore; T. Sanders
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

African pentecostalism in the Netherlands
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: S.D. Glazier
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Sociale en culturele achtergronden van vrouwenhandel
R.A. van Dijk; J. Nijboer; J. Vocks
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Ghanaian churches in the Netherlands: religion mediating a tense relationship
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Ghanaian Pentecostal churches and the politics of a transcultural identity
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Interrogating individuality in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Cultures of travel : Fulbe pastoralists in central Mali and Pentecostalism in Ghana
M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; D.W.J. Foeken; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Mobile Africa : an introduction
M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; D.W.J. Foeken
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; D.W.J. Foeken
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Mobile Africa : changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; D.W.J. Foeken
Type of Publication: Book

Introduction : beyond the confinement of affliction : a discursive field of experience
R.A. van Dijk; R. Reis; M. Spierenburg
Editors: R.A. van Dijk; R. Reis; M. Spierenburg
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Ngoma, born-again fundamentalism and contesting representations of time in urban Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: R.A. van Dijk; R. Reis; M. Spierenburg
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Secret worlds, democratization and election observation in Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: G.J. Abbink; G.S.C.M. Hesseling
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Conflicts of individuality of Ghanaian migrants in the Netherlands
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Interrogating individuality: Ghanaian Pentecostalism and Dutch identity-politics
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

The anatomy of mobility in Africa. Some research questions
R.A. van Dijk; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Voodoo on the doorstep and the trafficking in young Nigerian girls in the Netherlands
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Voodoo on the doorstep. magic policing in the Netherlands and explosions in anthropology
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Witchcraft and scepticism by proxy. Pentecostal rhetorics of self-making in urban Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Afrikaanse gemeenschappen, religie en identiteit. Ghanese pinksterkerken in Den Haag
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: W.M.J.van Kessel; N. Tellegen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape
Editors: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond
R. Fardon; W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Introduction: the domestication of chieftaincy in Africa: from the imposed to the imagined
E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal; R.A. van Dijk
Editors: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The Pentecostal gift : Ghanaian charismatic churches and the moral innocence of the global economy
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: R. Fardon; W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Confronting the past and post-colonial identities in Africa: the case of pentecostalism
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

The musical politics of transnational pentecostalism in Ghana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Pentecostalism, cultural memory and the state: contested representations of time in postcolonial Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: R. Werbner
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Spiegeling en verwonding. Enkele bespiegelingen over Schoffeleers' tijdloosheid
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: M. Elias; R. Reis
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Charismatic Pentecostalism in Africa: a comparison of cases from Malawi and Ghana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Fine young cannibal
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Ghanaian Pentecostalism in The Hague and the national order of things
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Modalities of fundamentalism in Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Pentecostalism and the politics of prophetic power: ambivalences of modernity in Ghana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

The alternative economy of pentecostal churches in Ghana
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Christian fundamentalism and the moral rejection of alcohol in Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Discourses of transubjectivity in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Time and transcultural technologies of the self in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Contested authorities and the politics of perception: deconstructing the study of religion in Africa
R.A. van Dijk; P. Pels
Editors: R. Werbner; T. Ranger
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Ngoma, born-again fundamentalism and contesting representations of time in urban Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

La guérisseuse du docteur Banda au Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Young Born-Again preachers in post-independence Malawi: the significance of an extraneous identity
R.A. van Dijk
Editors: P. Gifford
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Young puritan preachers in post-independence Malawi
R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Journal Article
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny
London: Routledge, 2022
Editors: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk

Faith in romance : towards an anthropology of romantic relationships, sexuality and responsibility in African Christianities
Amsterdam: Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Inaugural lecture series / Amsterdam University 536, 2015
R.A. van Dijk
Full text

Een schijn van voodoo : culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie : een verkenning
Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2003
R.A. van Dijk; T. Rasing; N. Tellegen; W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Full text

Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond
Leiden [etc.]: EIDOS, 1999
R. Fardon; W.M.J. van Binsbergen; R.A. van Dijk

Plunder hell, to populate heaven : the extractive and the insertive in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
The Hague: WOTRO, Working paper, ISSN 1386-9515 ; 9 1999
R.A. van Dijk

Van hegemonisch tot demonisch gezag : jonge puriteinse predikers en iconoclastisch verzet
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, 1992
R.A. van Dijk

'Religious relevance interests: Pentecostalism and super-diversity in Gaborone, Botswana'
In: D. Pellow; S. Scheld: 'Africa and urban anthropology: theoretical and methodological contributions from contemporary fieldwork', London, New York: Routledge, 2023.

'Introduction: Hedging in demons and the uncanny'
In: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk: 'Hedging in demons and the uncanny', London: Routledge, 2022.

'Marriage and the ambiguities of ‘seeds’: an exploration of intentions and transparency in relations in Botswana'
In: T.G. Kirsch; K. Mahlke; R.A. van Dijk: 'Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny', London: Routledge, 2022.

'Religious sophistication in African pentecostalism: an urban spirit?'
In: H. Dilger; A. Bochow; M. Burchardt; M. Wilhelm-Solomon: 'Affective trajectories: religion and emotion in African city-scapes', Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2020.

'The critical fence : a Dietzian reflection on divergent fieldwork'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken: 'The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.

'The strings, strains and strides of transnational competence: complex ambiguities'
In: N. Beckmann; A. Gusman; C. Shroff: 'Strings attached: AIDS and the rise of transnational connections in Africa', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

'Introduction: Strings attached: AIDS and the rise of transnational connections in Africa'
In: N. Beckmann; A. Gusman; C. Shroff: 'Strings attached: AIDS and the rise of transnational connections in Africa', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

'Introduction: Religion and AIDS-treatment in Africa: the redemptive moment'
In: R.A. van Dijk; H. Dilger; M. Burchardt; T. Rasing: 'Religion and AIDS treatment in Africa: saving souls, prolonging lives', London: Ashgate, 2014.

'Geboorte in een Ghanese Pinksterkerk: postmodern vieren in Den Haag'
In: I. Stengs: 'Nieuw in Nederland: feesten en rituelen in verandering', Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012.

''Dal campo all' inclusione: discorsi di trans-soggttivita nella diaspora pentecostale ghanese'
In: P. Schirripa: 'Terapie religiose: neoliberismo, cura, cittadinanza nel pentecostalismo contemporaneo', Rome: CISU Press, 2012.

'The social cocktail: weddings and the innovative mixing of competences in Botswana'
In: J.B. Gewald; A.H.M. Leliveld; I. Peša: 'Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies', Leiden: Brill, 2012.

'Pentecostalism and post-development: exploring religion as a developmental ideology in Ghanaian migrant communities'
In: D. Freeman: 'Ghanaian migrant communities: churches, ngo's and social change in Africa', Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.

'A ritual connection: urban youth, marrying in the village in Botswana'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk: 'The social life of connectivity in Africa', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

'Connectivity and the postglobal moment: (dis)connections and social change in Africa'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk: 'The social life of connectivity in Africa', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

'Introduction: economic ethnographies of the marketization of health and healing in Africa'
In: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk: 'Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2010.

'Marriage, commodification and the romantic ethic in Botswana'
In: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk: 'Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2010.

'Pentecostals moving South-South: Brazilian and Ghanaian transnationalism in Southern Africa compared'
In: A. Adogame; J. Spickard: 'Religion crossing boundaries: transnational religious and social dynamics in Africa and the New African Diaspora', Leiden: Brill, 2010.

'Cities and linking hot spots: subjective rescaling, Ghanaian migration and the fragmentation of urban spaces'
In: N. Glick Schiller; C. Caglar: 'Locating migration: rescaling cities and migrants', Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010.

'Gloves in times of AIDS: Pentecostalism, Hair and Social Distancing in Botswana'
In: F. Becker; P.W. Geizzler: 'Aids and Religious Practice in Africa', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2009.

'Social catapulting and the spirit of the entrepreneurialism: migrants, private initiative and the pentecostal ethic in Botswana'
In: G. Hüwelmeier; K. Krause: 'Traveling spirits: migrants, markets and mobilities', Abingdon: Routledge, 2009.

'Questioning social security in the study of religion in Africa: the ambiguous meaning of the gift in African Pentecostalism and Islam'
In: C. Leutloff-Grandits; A. Peleikis; T. Thelen: 'Social security in religious networks: anthropological perspectives on new risks and ambivalences', New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2009.

'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat'
In: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum: 'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat', Diemen: Uitgeverij AMB, 2008.

'The safe and suffering body in transnational Ghanaian Pentecostalism: towards an anthropology of vulnerable agency'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald: 'Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2007.

'Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa : an introduction'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk; J.B. Gewald: 'Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2007.

'Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa'
In: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan: 'African Alternatives', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2007.

'The African neighbourhood: an introduction'
In: P.J.J. Konings; D.W.J. Foeken: 'Crisis and creativity: exploring the wealth of the African neighbourhood', Leiden: Brill, 2006.

'Transnational images of Pentecostal healing: comparative examples from Malawi and Botswana'
In: T.J. Luedke; H.G. West: 'Borders & healers. Brokering therapeutic resources in Southeast Africa', Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2006.

''Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia': Pentecostal Pan-Africanism and Ghanaian identities in the transnational domain'
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