Tycho van der Hoog
Tycho van der Hoog is a former PhD candidate at the African Studies Centre Leiden. He successfully defended his dissertation (under embargo until 7 May 2026) on 7 May 2024.
His dissertation, titled ‘North Korea and the Liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020’ seeks to reveal the ties that bind North Korea to the African continent. His monograph Monuments of Power: The North Korean Origin of Nationalist Monuments in Namibia and Zimbabwe was published by the African Studies Centre Leiden in 2019. His monograph Breweries, Politics and Identity: The History Behind Namibian Beer was published by Basler Afrika Bibliographien in 2019.
He is the recipient of the BISA African Affairs Postgraduate Paper Prize 2021.
Tycho holds a bachelor’s degree in history, a bachelor’s degree in political science, a research master’s degree in African Studies, and a master’s degree in history (cum laude) from Leiden University. He previously worked at the Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa and lectured at BA programme Korean Studies of Leiden University. He is currently a university lecturer at the Netherlands Defence Academy.
Keywords: African history, liberation struggle, liberation movements, frontline states, international relations, nationalism, Southern Africa, North Korea, South Korea.
(Photo: Simone Both)
Pyongyang as a crossroads for Afro-Asian cooperation (2024)
Russia's position in Africa isn't as strong as it looks (2024)
North Korea and the liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020 (2024)
How North Korean ideology inspired African development (2023)
Review of D. Money, "White mineworkers on Zambia's Copperbelt, 1926-1974: in a class of their own" (Leiden, Brill, 2021) (2023)
Waar worden de Noord-Koreaanse raketten van betaald? (2023)
A monumental relationship: North Korea and Nambia (2023)
The military ties between African ruling parties and North Korea (2022)
A new chapter in Namibian history: reflections on archival research (2022)
On the success and failure of North Korean development aid in Africa (2022)
Research note: the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) pamphlet collection (2022)
Brewing tensions : the colonial gaze of the German-Namibian publishing industry (2022)
Defying United Nations sanctions: three reasons for African engagement with North Korea (2022)
Oppressed and resisting: dreaming of the liberation of southern Africa (2022)
Paper, pixels, or plane tickets : multi-archival perspectives on the decolonisation of Namibia (2022)
Microphone revolution: North Korean cultural diplomacy during the liberation of Southern Africa (2022)
We need to interrogate the North-South dichotomy in African Studies publishing (2022)
Onderdruk en in verzet: dromen van de bevrijding van zuidelijk Afrika (2022)
Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East: Is there a match? Excecutive summary and main report (2019)
Migration, education & development: databases, additional information and a selected bibliography. Annex G. to "Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East" (SEO report no. 2019-24) (2019)
Monuments of power : the North Korean origin of nationalist monuments in Namibia and Zimbabwe (2019)
Breweries, politics and identity: the history behind Namibian beer (2019)
Warum Nordkorea in Afrika riesige Denkmäler für Diktatoren baut : Zwangsarbeiter im Ausland finanzieren den nordkoreanischen Staat (2018)
Uncovering North Korean forced labour in Africa : towards a research framework (2018)
Migration, education & development : databases, additional information and a selected bibliography. Annex G. (2018)
North Korean monuments in southern Africa : legitimizing party rule through the National Heroes' Acres in Zimbabwe and Namibia (2017)
Brewing identity: beer and the establishment of the Namibian nation (2016)
North Korea and the liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020
[The Netherlands]: [Publisher not identified], 2024
T.A. van der Hoog
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Monuments of power : the North Korean origin of nationalist monuments in Namibia and Zimbabwe
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), African Studies Collection 74, 2019
T.A. van der Hoog
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Breweries, politics and identity: the history behind Namibian beer
Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB), 2019
T.A. van der Hoog
North Korean monuments in southern Africa : legitimizing party rule through the National Heroes' Acres in Zimbabwe and Namibia
T.A. van der Hoog
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Brewing identity: beer and the establishment of the Namibian nation
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2016
T.A. van der Hoog
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'On the success and failure of North Korean development aid in Africa'
In: K. Yonho: 'Ideology and economic policy in North Korea', Washington: George Washington University, 2022.
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'Oppressed and resisting: dreaming of the liberation of southern Africa'
In: M. van Groesen; K. van Ommen; A.-I. Richard; A. Schrikker; M. Storms; G. verhoeven: 'Maps that made history: 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps', Tielt: Lannoo Publishers, 2022.
'Microphone revolution: North Korean cultural diplomacy during the liberation of Southern Africa'
In: C. Stolte; S.L. Lewis: 'The lives of Cold War Afro-Asianism', Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2022.
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'Uncovering North Korean forced labour in Africa : towards a research framework'
In: R.E. Breuker; I.B.L.H. van Gardingen: 'People for profit: North Korean forced labour on a global scale', Leiden: LeidenAsiaCentre, 2018.
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'Pyongyang as a crossroads for Afro-Asian cooperation'
in: IIAS newsletter, no. 97, pp. 4-5, 2024.
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'Russia's position in Africa isn't as strong as it looks'
in: World Politics Review (WPR), 2024.
'Review of D. Money, "White mineworkers on Zambia's Copperbelt, 1926-1974: in a class of their own" (Leiden, Brill, 2021)'
in: Connections: a journal for historians and area specialists, pp. [3], 2023.
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'A new chapter in Namibian history: reflections on archival research'
in: History in Africa, vol. 49, pp. 389-414, 2022.
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'Research note: the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) pamphlet collection'
in: Cold War History, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 363-368, 2022.
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'Brewing tensions : the colonial gaze of the German-Namibian publishing industry'
in: Africa Spectrum, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 264-281, 2022.
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'Paper, pixels, or plane tickets : multi-archival perspectives on the decolonisation of Namibia'
in: Journal of Namibian studies, vol. 32, pp. 77-106, 2022.
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