Abdourahmane Idrissa
Abdourahmane (Rahmane) Idrissa is a political scientist fast embracing history. His doctorate in political science, with a concentration on democratisation and political Islam in Africa, was obtained at the University of Florida. Idrissa’s research expertise ranges from issues of states, institutions and democratisation in Africa to Salafi radicalism in the Sahel and current projects on the history of state formation in Africa, with a focus both on the modern (Niger) and premodern eras (Songhay).
Before joining the ASCL, Idrissa has founded and run EPGA, a think tank in political economy in Niger, training students and coordinating projects based on methodologies of political economy analysis that focused on migration, youth employment and demography. In recent years, EPGA has worked in partnership with Clingendael on projects on migration, security issues and traditional governance in the Sahel borderlands.
Idrissa is also associated with the Niamey based social science laboratory LASDEL and is on the editorial board of the African Studies Quarterly, at the University of Florida.
Keywords: Africa, states and institutions, political Islam and political secularism, modern and premodern history
Dr. A. Idrissa's profile on the Leiden University website
Conflict continuities
Rethinking African history
Niger (2024)
L’Efficace politique du sentiment: une histoire sahélienne (2024)
En Afrique, les pragmatiques sont devenus inaudibles (2023)
Coup-contrecoup: Rahmane Idrissa on Burkina Faso (2022)
Europe-Africa unequal pacts: the case of West African migration (2021)
Not its own man: The EU, West African migration, and the justice question (2021)
Yesterday meets tomorrow in Sahelian intellectual currents (2021)
Africa's perceptions, prospects, and strategies towards the US-China tech competition (2021)
"Boko Halal" : limits to radicalization in Southern Niger Republic (2020)
Islamic legal radicalism: the cases of Katsina and Maradi (2020)
Retrouver l'équilibre: extrémisme violent et relations communautaires à la frontière entre le Niger et le Mali (2020)
Des élites contre la nation : la révolution africaine au Sahel (2020)
The coup in Mali is an ominous sign for Francophone west Africa (2020)
The dialectics of democratization and stability in the Sahel (2020)
Democratic struggle, institutional reform, and state resilience in the African Sahel (2020)
Dialogue in divergence : the impact of EU migration policy on West African integration: the cases of Nigeria, Mali, and Niger (2019)
Islam and the Nigeria quandary: history, politics and reform (2019)
Un dialogue sur fond de divergence : L'impact de la politique migratoire européenne sur l'integration Ouest-Africaine : les cas du Nigeria, du Mali et du Niger (2019)
Weakened states and market giants: neoliberalism and democracy in Niger and West Bengal (2018)
Islam et politique au Sahel : entre persuasion et violence (2018)
The politics of Islam in the Sahel: between persuasion and violence (2017)
Democratic struggle, institutional reform, and state resilience in the African Sahel
New York: Lexington Books, 2020
L.A. Villalón; A. Idrissa
Historical dictionary of Niger
New York [etc.]: Rowman and Littlefield, Historical dictionaries of Africa 2020
A. Idrissa
The politics of Islam in the Sahel: between persuasion and violence
London: Routledge, 2017
A. Idrissa
In: A. Altaf; D. Tsikata; G.D. Torvikey; M. Dekker: 'Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa', London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
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'History of Niger'
'Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
'Europe-Africa unequal pacts: the case of West African migration'
In: V. Fargion; M. Gazibo: 'Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a changing world', Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.
'Not its own man: The EU, West African migration, and the justice question'
In: M. Ceccorulli; E. Fassi: 'The EU’s external governance of migration perspectives of justice', London: Routledge, 2021.
'Yesterday meets tomorrow in Sahelian intellectual currents'
In: L.A. Villalón: 'The Oxford handbook of the African Sahel', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
'Africa's perceptions, prospects, and strategies towards the US-China tech competition'
In: J. Cha: 'The future of US-China tech competition: global perceptions, prospects, and strategies', Seoul: National Assembly Futures Institute, 2021.
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'"Boko Halal" : limits to radicalization in Southern Niger Republic'
In: A.R. Mustapha; K. Meagher: 'Overcoming Boko Haram : faith, society & Islamic radicalization in Northern Nigeria ', Suffolk [etc.]: Boydell & Brewer, 2020.
'The dialectics of democratization and stability in the Sahel'
In: L.A. Villalón; A. Idrissa: 'Democratic struggle, institutional reform, and state resilience in the African Sahel', New York: Lexington Books, 2020.
'Islamic legal radicalism: the cases of Katsina and Maradi'
In: E. Apard: 'Transnational Islam: circulation of religious ideas, actors and practices between Niger and Nigeria', Leiden, Ibadan: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA), 2020.
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'Niamey nights'
in: Granta, no. 166, pp. 235-245, 2024.
'L’Efficace politique du sentiment: une histoire sahélienne'
in: Revue Internationale et Stratégique (RIS), no. 133, pp. 89-96, 2024.
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'In Bamako'
in: London review of books, vol. 45, no. 3, 2023.
'En Afrique, les pragmatiques sont devenus inaudibles'
in: Le Monde, 2023.
'Sudan's repressed democracy'
in: The New York review of books, 2023.
'Françafrique: l'idée qui ne veut pas mourir'
in: Politique africaine, vol. 2022/2, no. 166, pp. 203-207, 2022.
'Coup-contrecoup: Rahmane Idrissa on Burkina Faso'
in: London review of books, vol. 44, no. 4, 2022.
'Countries without currency'
in: London review of books, vol. 43, no. 23, 2021.
'Diary: in Mali'
in: London review of books, vol. 42, no. 13, 2020.
'Des élites contre la nation : la révolution africaine au Sahel'
in: Actuel, no. 68, pp. 60-77, 2020.
'Retrouver l'équilibre: extrémisme violent et relations communautaires à la frontière entre le Niger et le Mali'
in: Recherches internationales, no. 117, 2020.
'Islam and the Nigeria quandary: history, politics and reform'
in: Africa : journal of the International African Institute, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 401-406, 2019.
'Weakened states and market giants: neoliberalism and democracy in Niger and West Bengal'
in: Africa development, vol. XLIII, no. 3, pp. 25-52, 2018.
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