Lidewyde Berckmoes
As associate professor and senior researcher at the African Studies Centre Leiden, Lidewyde Berckmoes employs life-course and intergenerational perspectives to increase understanding of cyclical dynamics of conflict and peace in the Great Lakes Region, particularly Burundi and Rwanda.
Trained as a cultural anthropologist, Lidewyde uses anthropological perspectives while building collaborations with colleagues in migration studies, medical anthropology, psychology and psychiatry to come to new insights in long-term effects of conflict on children, young people and families. Her PhD study describes social practices that shape dynamics of ongoing (mis)trust in aftermath of conflict in Burundi (VU University Amsterdam, 2014). Subsequently she worked on various postdoc projects, including on transnational parenting, SRHR among young refugees, intergenerational transmission of trauma, and conflict heritage among diaspora youth. Currently, Lidewyde acts as principal investigator of the research project Pedagogies of peace and conflict in the Great Lakes region, for which she collaborates with the University of Rwanda, and is convenor of the ASCL Collaborative Research Group (CRG) Conflict continuities. She teaches various courses on research methodology in the BA and MA African Studies.
Keywords: Burundi, Rwanda, refugees, conflict, peace, children and youth, generations, pedagogies
Dr. L.H. Berckmoes's profile on the Leiden University website
Collaboration and contestation in words: Dialogues and disputes in African social realities
Conflict continuities
Pioneering futures of health and well-being: actors, technologies and social engineering
Planetary Health in and from Africa
"Our children are dead": past and anticipated adversity shaping caregiving and cultural reproduction among Banyamulenge refugee families in Rwanda (2024)
Family, generation and change in the context of crisis (2024)
Ter voorbereiding van het ergst denkbare: opvoeding in Rwanda te midden van oorlogsdreiging en hoop (2024)
Young protesters’ ambivalence about violence in the 2015 crisis in Burundi: local legacies of conflict and generational change (2023)
Making ‘the process’: sexual vulnerability and Burundian refugee boys and young men’ strategies for onward migration from Nakivale refugee settlement (2022)
In the aftermath of atrocities: research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and violence (2022)
Conflict and parenting in Burundi (2022)
Lost in freedom: ambivalence on sexual freedom among Burundian adolescents living in the Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda (2021)
Political vigilante groups in Ghana: violence or democracy? (2021)
Pursuing futures through children: crisis, social reproduction, and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families (2021)
Introduction : the longitudinal ethnography of violence (2021)
Intergenerational maltreatment in parent–child dyads from Burundi, Africa: associations among parental depression and connectedness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and aggression in children (2021)
Violence and vulnerability : children’s strategies and the logic of violence in Burundi (2020)
Reticent digital diasporas in times of crisis (2020)
Unpacking context and culture in mental health pathways of child and adolescent refugees (2020)
Charlie Hebdo as a critical event in a secondary school: Muslim students’ complex and multilayered positioning before and after the attack (2020)
De toekomst van oorlog en vrede in Afrika: drie trends (2020)
The effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health education in Burundi: policy brief (2020)
Before my time? : addressing the intergenerational legacies of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda (2019)
SOC - Sex Offenders in and out of Crime : recidivism, criminal careers and desistance (2019)
'In the aftermath of atrocities: research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and violence'
In: B. Holá; H.N. Nzitatira; M. Weerdesteijn: 'The Oxford handbook of atrocity crimes', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
'Conflict and parenting in Burundi'
In: H. Selin: 'Parenting across cultures childrearing, motherhood and fatherhood in non-Western cultures', Cham: Springer, 2022.
'Unpacking context and culture in mental health pathways of child and adolescent refugees'
In: S. Song; P. Ventevogel: 'Child, adolescent and family refugee mental health : a global perspective', Cham: Springer, 2020.
'"Our children are dead": past and anticipated adversity shaping caregiving and cultural reproduction among Banyamulenge refugee families in Rwanda'
in: Genealogy, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. [16 pages], 2024.
'Family, generation and change in the context of crisis'
in: Genealogy, vol. 8, no. 3, 2024.
'Ter voorbereiding van het ergst denkbare: opvoeding in Rwanda te midden van oorlogsdreiging en hoop'
in: Impact magazine, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 6-9, 2024.
'Young protesters’ ambivalence about violence in the 2015 crisis in Burundi: local legacies of conflict and generational change'
in: Peacebuilding, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 302-316, 2023.
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'Making ‘the process’: sexual vulnerability and Burundian refugee boys and young men’ strategies for onward migration from Nakivale refugee settlement'
in: Journal of refugee studies, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 1186-1203, 2022.
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'Lost in freedom: ambivalence on sexual freedom among Burundian adolescents living in the Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda'
in: Sexual and reproductive health matters, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2021.
'Political vigilante groups in Ghana: violence or democracy?'
in: Africa spectrum, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 321-338, 2021.
'Pursuing futures through children: crisis, social reproduction, and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families'
in: Migration studies, pp. 1-19, 2021.
'Introduction : the longitudinal ethnography of violence'
in: Conflict and society, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 96-106, 2021.
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'Intergenerational maltreatment in parent–child dyads from Burundi, Africa: associations among parental depression and connectedness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and aggression in children'
in: Journal of traumatic stress, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 943-954, 2021.
'Violence and vulnerability : children’s strategies and the logic of violence in Burundi'
in: Childen & society, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 31-45, 2020.
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'Charlie Hebdo as a critical event in a secondary school: Muslim students’ complex and multilayered positioning before and after the attack'
in: Transcultural psychiatry, pp. 1-13, 2020.
'De toekomst van oorlog en vrede in Afrika: drie trends'
in: Clingendael spectator, 2020.
'Before my time? : addressing the intergenerational legacies of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda'
in: Intervention : journal of mental health and psychosocial support in conflict affected areas, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 31-39, 2019.
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Chaimaa Radouani, Making Morocco Home: The Realities and Integration of sub-Saharan African Migrants
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