Jan Abbink
Jan Abbink is an anthropologist-historian and carries out research on the history and cultures of the Horn of Africa (Northeast Africa), particularly Ethiopia. He is Professor Emeritus of Politics and Governance in Africa at Leiden University.
He has done a number of research projects, the first one being a study of Ethiopian immigrants in Israel in the 1980s. His current projects are a socio-cultural history of South Ethiopia, an historical-cultural study of the relation between governance, political culture and religious discourse, and an ethnological study of southwest Ethiopian ethnic groups, livelihoods and conflict. He is also interested in theoretical and epistemological issues in social science.
Since 2001 Jan Abbink has been Professor (extraordinary) of African Ethnic Studies at the VU University in Amsterdam.
Keywords: Africa, political culture, religious discourse and politics, ethnography of food cultures, governance and development, cultural history, Israel-Africa relations.
Prof. Dr. G.J. Abbink's profile on the Leiden University website
Conflict continuities
Rethinking African history
Developmental dilemmas and political culture in Ethiopia and the Horn: local refractions of state policies
Evolving relations between religion and politics in the Horn of Africa: media use and public identity discourse of religious communities/elites in Northeast Africa
Studying the reform agenda in Ethiopia: Enhancing inclusive patterns of regional governance and economic opportunities
Growing political correctness in social science peer reviewing?: some personal reflections on experiences in African studies (2024)
The Israel-Hamas drama and the dilemmas of scholarly response (2024)
Comment - Suffering and scholarly response: how to discuss the Israel-Hamas violence (2024)
Politics above culture?: the 2023 ‘Palestinian Festival of Literature’ redux. Commentary on a New York Review of Books discussion. (2024)
Preserving reason: a rationalist defense of the ‘Western telos’ in social science and the humanities (2024)
Political culture and cyclical conflict in Ethiopia: exploring the generative dynamics of political crisis in the 2020s (2024)
Eternal periphery?: toward a socio-political history of Maji, an Ethiopian frontier town, 1898-2020 - with photo illustrations (2024)
From periphery to centre: the development of the ASCL research agenda over seven decades (2024)
Evaluating the Pretoria Agreement: the limitations of presentist analysis of conflicts in Ethiopia (2023)
Contesting the "secular" via the judiciary: exploring Muslim criticism of the national politico-legal order in Africa (2023)
Eternal periphery?: toward a socio-political history of Maji, an Ethiopian frontier town, 1898-2020 (2023)
Routledge handbook of the Horn of Africa (2022)
The looming spectre: a history of the ‘state of emergency’ in Ethiopia, 1970s–2021 (2022)
Introduction: authoritarianism, innovative regimes, and forms of resistance (2022)
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies : a bibliography on society and history, 2016-2022 (2022)
Land, sugar and pastoralism in Ethiopia: comparing the impact of the Omo-Kuraz sugar projects on local livelihoods and food (in) security in the lower Omo Valley (2022)
History education in Ethiopia post-1991: rethinking the nation’s history in the context of “decolonization” debates (2022)
Ethiopia (2022)
Somalia (2022)
Has religion been fueling the politics of conflict in Ethiopia? : a cautionary tale (2022)
Remembering Kassahun Berhanu Alemu (1955-2022) - the man and his work (2022)
'Ethiopië wil van Rusland profiteren' (2022)
Congress risks prolonging the Ethiopian civil war (2022)
Exclusive: Professor J. Abbink discusses the Ethiopian war and the economic repercussions of the country's removal from AGOA (2022)
Why the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and Putin’s Russia are strikingly similar (2022)
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The Economist magazine and reporting on Ethiopia – a comment on the Gardner case (2022)
Somalia (2021)
Introduction: Rhetoric and social relations (2021)
Power relations in Suri: rhetoric in public speech and Action 283 (2021)
The Atlantic Community mistake on Ethiopia: counter-productive statements and data-poor policy of the EU and the USA on the Tigray conflict (2021)
Law and politics in the Ethiopian-Eritrean border dispute, 2002–2019 (2021)
How do agro-pastoralists cope with climate change? : the case of the Nyangatom in the Lower Omo Valley of Ethiopia (2021)
The politics of conflict in Northern Ethiopia, 2020-2021: a study of war-making, media bias and policy struggle (2021)
The Ethiopia conflict in international relations and global media discourse (2021)
Ethiopia (2021)
'Tendency to demonise Ethiopia and give free pass to TPLF is false narrative’ (2021)
Refocusing the Ethiopia conflict: grave doubts about the narratives of ‘humanitarian blockade’ and ‘Tigray genocide’. (2021)
Aïcha Haddad's work of dreams and memories (2021)
Somalia (2021)
The Tigray conflict in Ethiopia: post-war ramifications and international response (2021)
Ethiopia’s elections are needed. But they face credibility challenges (2021)
Kijk eens naar Ethiopië zonder neokoloniale bril (2021)
The Ethiopian June 2021 elections: a step to political normality? (2021)
Flashback — conflict in Tigray: reflections on cause and effects (2021)
Review of Felix Girke: "The wheel of autonomy: rhetoric and ethnicity in the Omo Valley" (Oxford, New York : Berghahn books, 2018) (2021)
ASCL annual report in 2020 (2021)
On “good governance”: towards reconciling state and vernacular views in Southwest Ethiopia. (2020)
Review of: Simon Simonse: "Kings of disaster: dualism, centralism and the scapegoat king in Southeastern Sudan" (2nd ed., Kampala: Fountain Publishers - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2017). (2020)
Religion and violence in the Horn of Africa: trajectories of mimetic rivalry and escalation between ‘political Islam’ and the state. (2020)
Zeven factoren bepalen de politieke vooruitzichten in Afrika (2020)
Subjects of history: administrative categories, ethnic labels, and the limits of cultural citizenship in Ethiopia (2020)
Somalia (2020)
Ethiopia (2020)
Review of Daniel Mains: "Under construction: technologies of development in Ethiopia" (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019) (2020)
Review of: Susanne Epple, ed.: "The state of status groups in Ethiopia : minorities between marginalization and integration". (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2018) (2020)
Ethiopia (2019)
An unknown chapter : Israel’s re-emerging relations with Africa (2019)
Ethiopia’s successes under Abiy Ahmed constrained by ethnic divisions (2019)
Political breakthrough in Ethiopia? : prime minister Abiy Ahmed’s reformist agenda (2019)
The environmental crunch in Africa : growth narratives vs. local realities (2018)
Introduction: promise and peril in Africa-growth narratives vs. local environmental problems (2018)
Losing the plot: environmental problems and livelihood strife in developing rural Ethiopia-Suri agropastoralism vs. state resource use (2018)
Review of James de Lorenzi: "Guardians of the tradition: historians and historical writing in Ethiopia and Eritrea" (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2015) (2018)
The religious soundscape of Ethiopia: 'noise' production between sacred and secular spaces (2018)
Africa Yearbook 2017 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara (2018)
Review of Susanne Epple: "The Bashada of Southern Ethiopia: a study of age, gender and social discourse" (Cologne: University of Rochester Press, 2010) (2018)
Ethiopia plans for new prime minister, but crisis has deep challenges (2018)
Conferencing in Ethiopia: no politically correct bla-bla (2018)
Governance in Africa: more than political and economic "management" (2018)
Eastern Africa (2018)
Die Walaytta (2018)
National parks (2018)
Die Klima (2018)
Die Kafa (2018)
Die Völker Äthiopiens - ein Überblick (2018)
Sub-Saharan Africa (2018)
Seychelles (2018)
Ethiopia (2018)
Somalia (2018)
Development in rural Ethiopia (2018)
Niger (2018)
Traditional Ethiopian legal culture : Amharic proverbs and maxims on law and justice (2017)
A decade of Ethiopia : politics, economy and society 2004-2016 (2017)
Paradoxes of electoral authoritarianism : the 2015 Ethiopian elections as hegemonic performance (2017)
"Wie es eigentlich gewesen..." : Eike Haberland's Rankean approach to Southern Ethiopian cultures and iets legacy today (2017)
Insecure food: diet, eating and identity among the Ethiopian Suri people in the age of development (2017)
Review of Patrick Desplat and Terje Østebø, 'Muslim Ethiopia : the Christian legacy, identity politics and Islamic reformism" London : Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013) (2017)
Review of Zeleke Eresso, 'Faith at the crossroads : religious syncretism and dispute settlement in Northern Ethiopia. A study of Sufe shrine in North Eastern Ethiopia" Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2015) (2017)
Review of Gérard Prunier and Éloi Ficquet (eds.), 'Contemporary Ethiopia : monarchy, revolution and the legacy of Meles Zenawi" (London : C. Hurst, 2015) (2017)
Climate (2017)
Walaytta (2017)
Introduction : peoples in Ethiopia (2017)
Etiyopya'da Islam ve sosyokültürel çesitlilik = Ethiopian Islam and socio-cultural diversity (2017)
Obituary: Richard Keir Pethick Pankhurst (1927-2017) (2017)
Stemming the tide? : the promise of environmental rehabilitation scenarios in Ethiopia (2017)
Seychelles (2017)
Somalia (2017)
Africa Yearbook 2016 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara (2017)
Ethiopia (2017)
Sub-Saharan Africa (2017)
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies: a bibliography on society and history, 2010-2015 (2016)
The cross in Ethiopian Christianity: ecclesial symbolism and religious experience (2016)
Africa Yearbook 2015 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara (2016)
Rethinking the anthropology of Ethiopia through culture and ritual (2016)
Contestation as claim to integration: the May 2015 public protest movement of Ethiopian Israelis (2015)
Ethiopia's stalemate "election" hinders generational change (2015)
Menstrual synchrony claims among Suri girls (Southwest Ethiopia) ; between culture and biology (2015)
The Ethiopian revolution after 40 years (1974-2014) : plan B in progress? (2015)
Extensions of the self : artistry and identity in the headrests and stools of Southwest Ethiopian peoples (2015)
Religious freedom and the political order: the Ethiopian 'secular state' and the containment of Muslim identity politics (2014)
Lands of the future: transforming pastoral lands and livelihoods in Eastern Africa (2014)
Languages and peoples in Ethiopia and Eritrea (2014)
Religion and politics in Africa : the future of "the secular" (2014)
Stabiele instabiliteit : Somalië, Al Shabaab en de wijdere regio (2014)
Somalia (2014)
Somalia (2013)
The anthropology of Ethiopia 1999-2011 : highlights and trends (2013)
Eureka! : discovery during ethnographic fieldwork (2013)
Ethiopia (2013)
From my perspective as a Suri - narratives on Suri life: introduction (2013)
Introduction to the society and history of the Suri people (2013)
Suri orature : introduction to the society, language and oral culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia) (2013)
De Hoorn van Afrika als regionale (on)veiligheidszone: conflicten en dilemma's (2012)
Fractures and reconnections : civic action and the redefinition of African political and economic spaces : studies in honour of Piet J.J. Konings (2012)
The anthropology of elites: power, culture, and the complexities of distinction (2012)
Dam controversies: contested governance and developmental discourse on the Ethiopian Omo River dam (2012)
Revolte en revolutie in de 'Arabische Lente' : duurzame politieke klimaatverandering? (2012)
Religion in public spaces: emerging Muslim-Christian polemics in Ethiopia (2011)
Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state (2011)
Review of: W. James: "War and survival in Sudan's frontier lands: voices from the Blue Nile" (2011)
'Land to the foreigners': economic, legal, and socio-cultural aspects of new land acquisition schemes in Ethiopia (2011)
Ethnic-based federalism and ethnicity in Ethiopia : reassessing the experiment after 20 years (2011)
Democracy deferred : understanding elections and the role of donors in Ethiopia (2011)
De politiek-maatschappelijke context van een terugkerend probleem (2011)
Democracy deferred : understanding elections and the role of donors in Ethiopia (2011)
A Bibliography of Ethiopian-Eritrean Studies in Society and History, 1995-2010 (2010)
Ethiopia (2010)
Somalia (2010)
24 entries in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopia, vol. 4 (O-Z) (2010)
Berhanu Gebeyehu, 24 December 1964 - 19 July 2010 (2010)
Elections in Africa, 1991-2009: Ways to democracy or breeding grounds for conflict? (2010)
Political culture in Ethiopia: a balance sheet of post-1991 ethnically-based federalism (2010)
Review of G. Verswijver & H. Silvester 'Omo People and Design' (Paris - Tervuren: Éditions de La Martinière - Royal Museum for Central Africa, 2008) (2010)
Review of H. Amborn, 'Flexibel aus Tradition: Burji in Äthiopien und Kenia. Unter Verwending der Aufzeichnungen von Helmut Straube. With Explanation of Some Cultural Items in English' (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009) (2010)
Law against reality? Contextualizing the Ethiopian-Eritrean border problem. (2009)
The Ethiopian second republic and the fragile 'social contract'. (2009)
Conflict and social change on the south-west Ethiopian frontier: an analysis of Suri society. (2009)
Tourism and its discontents: Suri-Tourist encounters in southern Ethiopia. (2009)
The Islamic Courts Union: the ebb and flow of a Somali Islamist movement (2009)
Ethiopia (2009)
Transformations de l'Islam et relations communautaires dans la province de Wallo, en Éthiopie. (2009)
Revolution as warfare in the Horn of Africa (review article) (2009)
Suri images: the return of exoticism and the commodification of an Ethiopian "tribe" (2009)
The fate of the Suri: conflict and group tension on the Southwest Ethiopian frontier (2009)
Somalische piraten - het zijn geen Robin Hoods (2009)
Introduction to the ASC Library web dossier 'Elections in Africa between hope and reality' (2009)
Review of A. Honwana & F. de Boeck, 'Makers and breakers. Children and youth in Postcolonial Africa' (2009)
Somalia (2009)
"Cannibalism" in Southern Ethiopia: an exploratory study of Me'en discourse. (2008)
Verdeeld Afrika : etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat. (2008)
Muslim monasteries? Some aspects of religious culture in Northern Ethiopia (2008)
Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat (2008)
Introduction. The struggle for development in Africa: the culture of politics and the rooting of culture (2008)
Ethiopia (2008)
Somalia (2008)
Federaal Ethiopië: etniciteit, grenzen en de productie van conflict (2008)
Derviches, moryaan y combatientes por la libertad: ciclos de rebelión y fragmentación en la sociedad somalí (1900-2000) (2008)
'Comment', on: Nigel Rapport, 2007, "An outline for cosmopolitan study: reclaiming the human through introspection". (2008)
Dilemmas of development : conflicts of interest and their resolutions in modernizing Africa (2008)
Violence and survival in Ethiopia: a comparative anthropology of the Suri people (2008)
A propósito de resistir: repensar la insurgencia en Africa (2008)
'Repensar la resistencia en la historia de Africa (2008)
Culture slipping away: violence, social tension and personal drama in Suri society, southern Ethiopia. (2007)
Transformations of Islam and communal relations in Wällo, Ethiopia (2007)
Eureka! Constructing discovery in ethnographic fieldwork. (2007)
Warfare in Africa: overview (2007)
Ethiopia (2007)
16 entries in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopia, vol. 3 (He-N) (2007)
Causes and trajectories of local conflict among pastoral peoples in Northeast Africa (2007)
Warfare in Africa: reframing state and "culture" as factors of violent conflict (2006)
Of snakes and cattle: The dialectics of group esteem between Suri and Dizi in Southwest Ethiopia (2006)
Ethnicity and conflict generation in Ethiopia: some problems and prospects of ehno-regional federalism (2006)
Reconstructing Haberland reconstructing the Wolaitta: writing the history and society of a former Ethiopian Kingdom (2006)
Interpreting Ethiopian elections in their context : a reply to Tobias Hagmann (2006)
Prager Frühling in Addis : die Parlamentswahl in Äthiopien und die Repression der Regierung (2006)
Discomfiture of democracy? The 2005 election crisis in Ethiopia and its aftermath (2006)
Slow awakening? The Ethiopian diaspora in the Netherlands, 1977-2007 (2006)
Review of Hammond L.C., This place will become like home. Refugee repatriation to Ethiopia (2006)
Eritrean beauty : the wonderful people of Eritrea (2005)
Transformaties van staat en geweld in Afrika: de teloorgang van de postkoloniale orde (2005)
Being young in Africa : the politics of despair and renewal (2005)
Vanguard or vandals : youth, politics and conflict in Africa (2005)
Review of Ramos, M.J. & I. Boavida, I., 'The Indigenous and the Foreign in Christian Ethiopian Art. On Portuguese-Ethiopian Contacts in the Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries (2005)
Remembering Londósa : mediator and counterpoint in a "violent" society (2004)
Converting pastoralists: reflections on missionary work and development in southern Ethiopia (2004)
Obituary: Alexander Naty (2004)
Ritual and political forms of violent practice among the Suri of southern Ethiopia (2004)
Violence and State (re)Formation in the African context: global and local aspects of crisis and change (2004)
Reconstructing Southern Sudan in the post-war era: challenges and prospects of 'Quick Impact Programmes' (2004)
Review of Elwert, G., Feuchtwang, S. & Neubert, D., 'Dynamics of Violence: Processes of Escalation and De-Escalation' (2004)
Review of Freeman, D., 'Initiating change in Highland Ethiopia : causes and consequences of cultural transformation' (2004)
Dervishes, 'moryaan' and freedom fighters: cycles of rebellion and the fragmentation of Somali society, 1900-2000 (2003)
Local leadership and State governance in southern Ethiopia : from charisma to bureaucracy (2003)
Badme and the Ethio-Eritrean border: the challenge of demarcation in the post-war period (2003)
Ethiopia-Eritrea: proxy wars and prospects of peace in the Horn of Africa (2003)
Love and death of cattle : the paradox in Suri attitudes toward livestock (2003)
Rethinking resistance in African history: an introduction (2003)
Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history (2003)
Chaises éthiopiennes (2003)
Paradoxes of power and culture in an old periphery: Surma, 1974-1998 (2002)
Plant use among the Suri people of southern Ethiopia: a system of knowledge in danger? (2002)
Drinking, prestige, and power : alcohol and cultural hegemony in Maji, southern Ethiopia (2002)
Ethnic trajectories in Israel : comparing the "Bené Israel" and "Beta Israel" communities, 1950-2000 (2002)
Identiteit, strijd en continuïteit in trans-modern Afrika : een kritisch-realistische benadering (2001)
African studies in the Netherlands: a brief survey (2001)
Creating borders: exploring the impact of the Ethio-Eritrean war on the local population (2001)
Review of Negash,T. and Tronvoll,K. 'Brothers at war: making sense of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War' (2001)
Meanings of violence : a cross cultural perspective (2000)
Can Africa claim the 21st century?' A World Bank publication, May 2000. Review and comments (2000)
La violence, l'État et l'ethnicité dans la Corne de l'Afrique: au niveau local et mondial (2000)
Représentations de la culture matérielle des Me'en: forme et fonction des artefacts (2000)
Creating Borders: The Impact of the Ethio-Eritrean War on the Local Population (2000)
Geweld en cultuur: notities over ideeën en praktijken van geweld onder de Suri van Zuid-Ethiopië in vergelijkend perspectief (2000)
Love and Death of Cattle: The Paradox in Suri Attitudes towards Livestock (2000)
Preface: violation and violence as cultural phenomena (2000)
Restoring the balance: violence and culture among the Suri of Southern Ethiopia (2000)
Introduction: Rethinking democratization and election observation in Africa (2000)
The organization of elections in federal Ethiopia : Retrospect and prospect (2000)
'Loof de Heer!' Jeugd en religie in Afrika (2000)
Comparing cultures in Southern Ethiopia: from ethnography to generative explanation (2000)
Election observation and democratization in Africa (2000)
Tourism and its discontents : Suri-tourist encounters in southern Ethiopia (2000)
Special issue: Cultural variation and social change in southern Ethiopia : comparative approaches. (2000)
Violence and the crisis of conciliation: Suri, Dizi and the State in south-west Ethiopia (2000)
Review of Doornbos, M. and Tesfai, A. (eds), 'Post-conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development' (2000)
Review of Kurimoto, E. and Simonse, S. (eds), 'Conflict Age and Power in North East Africa: Age Systems in Transition' (2000)
Review of Pankhurst, R. 'The Ethiopian Borderlands: Essays in Regional History' (2000)
Review of Parfitt, T. and Trevisan Semi, E. (eds), 'The Beta Israel in Ethiopia and Israel: Studies on the Ethiopian Jews' (2000)
International election observation: A discussion on policy and practice (1999)
The production of 'primitiveness' and identity : Surma-tourist interactions (1999)
Paradoxes of Power and Culture in an Old Periphery: Surma 1974-1998 (1999)
Regional Variation in the Cultural Systems of Southern Ethiopia (1999)
Artifacts as 'daily art' in Me'en culture: the life and work of Bogine Shala and Gelta Foroshowa (1999)
Surmic bibliography (1999)
The Elusive Chief: Authority and Leadership in Surma Society (Ethiopia) (1999)
Ethiopian Islam and the Challenge of Diversity (1999)
Violence, ritual, and reproduction : culture and context in Surma dueling (1999)
The total Somali clan genealogy : a preliminary sketch (1999)
Review of "Ethiopia - The Heritage of an Empire". Notes on an Exhibition (1999)
Review of Taddia, I. 'Autobiografie Africane. Il Colonialismo nelle Memorie Orali' (1999)
Ethiopian Studies in Japan: The 13th ICES in Kyoto (1999)
New configurations of Ethiopian ethnicity : the challenge of the South (1998)
Against the boredom of the facts: the need for theory in African Studies (1998)
An historical-anthropological perspective on Islam in Ethiopia (1998)
New configurations of Ethiopian ethnicity: the challenge of the South (1998)
Violence and the crises of conciliation: Suri, Dizi and the state in Southwest Ethiopia (1998)
Ritual and political forms of violent practice among the Suri of southern Ethiopia (1998)
Briefing: the Eritrean-Ethiopian border dispute (1998)
An historical-anthropological approach to Islam in Ethiopia: issues of identity and politics (1998)
Cross-ethnic clan identities among Surmic groups and their neighbours: the case of the Mela (1998)
Violence and political discourse among the Chai Suri (1998)
Democratisering als schaduwtheater?: Afrikaanse experimenten (1998)
Review of Adera, T.and Ahmed, A.J. (eds), 'Silence is not Golden. A Critical Anthology of Ethiopian Literature' (1998)
Review of Nordstrom, C. and Robben, A. (eds), 'Fieldwork under Fire' (1998)
Review of Pankhurst, R. and Gérard, D., 'Ethiopia Photographed: historic pictures of the country and its people taken between 1867 and 1935' (1998)
Competing practices of drinking and power: alcoholic hegemonism in southern Ethiopia (1997)
Studying conflict and violence in Africa: some notes from an anthropological perspective (1997)
The production of "primitiveness" and identity: Surma - tourist interactions (1997)
Violence and culture: anthropological and evolutionary-psychological reflections on Surma society (Ethiopia) (1997)
Competing practices of drinking and power : alcoholic 'hegemonism'in southern Ethiopia (1997)
Het Surma stokduel : sport en ritueel geweld (1997)
The shrinking cultural and political space of East African pastoral societies (1997)
Territory, space and state among the Suri: changes in an Ethiopian periphery, 1977-1997 (1997)
The myth of Tishana "kingship": ideological reflections of socio-economic change (1997)
Violence, ritual, and reproduction : Surma ceremonial dueling as a construction of sociality and sexuality (1997)
Ethnicity and constitutionalism in contemporary Ethiopia (1997)
De ingebeelde EU - vorm als inhoud van de Europese Unie (1997)
Visuele etnografie - theorie, methoden en mogelijkheden (1997)
Authority and leadership in Surma society (Ethiopia) (1997)
Afrika bezuiden de Sahara (1997)
Review of Kaplan, S., Parfitt,T. and Trevisan Semi, E.(eds), 'Between Africa and Zion' (1997)
Review of Tiruneh, A. 'The Ethiopian Revolution 1974-1987' (1997)
Review of Waal, F. de, 'Good Natured. The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals' (1997)
De Nilo-Saharaanse en Omotisch sprekende bevolkingsgroepen (1996)
The challenges of education in an Ethiopian agro-pastoral society: Surma childhood in crisis (1996)
Violence, state and ethnicity in the Horn of Africa (1996)
Bomen en planten bij de Ethiopische Surma: ritueel en praktisch gebruik (1996)
Eritreo-Ethiopian studies in society and history: 1960-1995 : a supplementary bibliography (1996)
Review of Branes,V.L.; Boddy,J., 'Aman the story of a Somali girl' (1996)
Ethiopie: le dilemme entre ethnicité et "démocratisation" (1995)
Medicinal and ritual plants of the Ethiopean southwest: an account of recent research (1995)
Ethnicité et 'démocratisation' : le dilemme éthiopien (1995)
Ritual and environment: the 'mósit' ceremony of the Ethiopian Me'en people (1995)
Breaking and making the State : the dynamics of ethnic democracy in Ethiopia (1995)
Transformations of violence in twentieth-century Ethiopia : cultural roots, political conjunctures (1995)
Disaster, relief and political change in southern Ethiopia : developments from within Suri society (1995)
The impact of violence : the Ethiopian 'Red terror' as a social phenomenon (1995)
'Tribal' violence, peace-making and ethnology. A comment (1994)
De boodschap der ingewanden - divinatie in een Afrikaanse samenleving (1994)
Refractions of revolution in Ethiopian "Surmic" societies: an analysis of cultural response (1994)
The irrevocable past: history and image of the Beta Esra'el (1994)
Ethnic conflict in the 'tribal zone': the Dizi and Suri in southern Ethiopia (1993)
Reading the entrails: analysis of an African divination discourse (1993)
Me'en ritual, medicinal and other plants : a contribution to South-West Ethiopian ethno-botany (1993)
Famine, gold and guns : the Suri of southwestern Ethiopia, 1985-91 (1993)
Funeral as ritual: an analysis of Me'en mortuary rites (southwest Ethiopia) (1992)
The Me'en of South-Western Käfa : catalogue of Me'en artefacts in the Ethnological Museum of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University (1992)
The deconstruction of 'tribe' : ethnicity and politics in southwestern Ethiopia (1991)
Mytho-légendes et histoire : l'énigme de l'ethnogenèse des Beta Esra'el (1991)
The enigma of Beta Esra'el ethnogenesis : an anthro-historical study (1990)
Tribal formation on the Ethiopian fringe : toward a history of the 'Tishana' (1990)
Ethiopian society and history : a bibliography of Ethiopian studies 1957-1990 (1990)
Missionaries, anthropologists and rationality (1990)
'Militair socialisme' : de politieke verhoudingen in Ethiopië (1985)
A preliminary ethnographic bibliography of Ethiopia, 1959-1982 (1985)
Anthropology and the missions: a critical epistemological perspective (1985)
The Falashas in Ethiopia and Israel : the problem of ethnic assimilation (1984)
'Tendency to demonise Ethiopia and give free pass to TPLF is false narrative’ (0)
Routledge handbook of the Horn of Africa
London, New York: Routledge, 2022
Editors: J.-N. Bach; G.J. Abbink; S. Ancel; A.A.A. Aziz; E. Fantini; P. Ferras; H. Mwakimako; C. Nallet; A. Ylönen; J. Záhořík
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies : a bibliography on society and history, 2016-2022
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASC occasional publications 44, 2022
G.J. Abbink
Full text
ASCL annual report in 2020
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2021
G.J. Abbink
Editors: R.G.L. Jongenelen; F. Veldkamp; A.L. Yeadell-Moore Full text
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies: a bibliography on society and history, 2010-2015
Leiden: African Studies Centre, Leiden University, ASC occasional publications 24, 2016
G.J. Abbink
Full text
Lands of the future: transforming pastoral lands and livelihoods in Eastern Africa
Max Planck Institute, Working papers / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology 154, 2014
G.J. Abbink; K. Askew; D.F. Dori; E. Fratkin; E.C. Gabbert; J. Galaty; S. LaTosky; J. Lydall; H.A. Mahmoud; J. Markakis; G Schlee; I. Strecker; D. Turton
Full text
Suri orature : introduction to the society, language and oral culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia)
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Verbal art and documentary literature in African languages ; 33 33, 2013
G.J. Abbink; M. Bryant; D. Bambu
Revolte en revolutie in de 'Arabische Lente' : duurzame politieke klimaatverandering?
Amsterdam: Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2012
G.J. Abbink; P. Kerkhof
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A Bibliography of Ethiopian-Eritrean Studies in Society and History, 1995-2010
Addis Ababa [etc.]: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) [etc.], 2010
G.J. Abbink
Verdeeld Afrika : etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat.
Diemen: AMB Publishers, 2008
G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum
Dilemmas of development : conflicts of interest and their resolutions in modernizing Africa
Leiden: African Studies Centre, African studies collection 12, 2008
G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum
Full text
Eritrean beauty : the wonderful people of Eritrea
Veenendaal: PrimaMedia, 2005
A. Alders; G.J. Abbink
Identiteit, strijd en continuïteit in trans-modern Afrika : een kritisch-realistische benadering
Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij, 2001
G.J. Abbink
Full text
Can Africa claim the 21st century?' A World Bank publication, May 2000. Review and comments
Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2000
H.A. Meilink; D.F. Bryceson; G.J. Abbink
Full text
Eritreo-Ethiopian studies in society and history: 1960-1995 : a supplementary bibliography
Leiden: African Studies Centre, Research report ; 55 1996
G.J. Abbink
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The Me'en of South-Western Käfa : catalogue of Me'en artefacts in the Ethnological Museum of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, 1992
G.J. Abbink
Mytho-légendes et histoire : l'énigme de l'ethnogenèse des Beta Esra'el
Bruxelles: Centre d'Étude et de Documentation Africaines, Les cahiers du CEDAF, ISSN 0250-1619 ; 3/1991 1991
G.J. Abbink
Ethiopian society and history : a bibliography of Ethiopian studies 1957-1990
Leiden: African Studies Centre, Research report ; 45 1990
G.J. Abbink
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A preliminary ethnographic bibliography of Ethiopia, 1959-1982
Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit, Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, Sociaal antropologische cahiers ; 17 1985
G.J. Abbink
The Falashas in Ethiopia and Israel : the problem of ethnic assimilation
Nijmegen: ICSA, Sociaal antropologische cahiers ; 15 1984
G.J. Abbink
'From periphery to centre: the development of the ASCL research agenda over seven decades'
In: F. Veldkamp; G. Seuren: 'A window on Africa: Afrian Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2024.
Full text
'The looming spectre: a history of the ‘state of emergency’ in Ethiopia, 1970s–2021'
In: J.-N. Bach; G.J. Abbink; S. Ancel; A.A.A. Aziz; E. Fantini; P. Ferras; H. Mwakimako; C. Nallet; A. Ylönen; J. Záhořík: 'Routledge handbook of the Horn of Africa', London, New York: Routledge, 2022.
'Introduction: authoritarianism, innovative regimes, and forms of resistance'
In: J.-N. Bach; G.J. Abbink; S. Ancel; A.A.A. Aziz; E. Fantini; P. Ferras; H. Mwakimako; C. Nallet; A. Ylönen; J. Záhořík: 'The Routledge handbook of the Horn of Africa', London, New York: Routledge, 2022.
In: A. Awedoba; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; D. Sebudubudu: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2021', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022.
In: A. Awedoba; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; D. Sebudubudu: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2021', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2022.
In: V. Adetula; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2020', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2021.
'Introduction: Rhetoric and social relations'
In: G.J. Abbink; S. LaTosky: 'Rhetoric and social relations', Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books, 2021.
'Power relations in Suri: rhetoric in public speech and Action 283'
In: G.J. Abbink; S. LaTosky: 'Rhetoric and social relations', Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books, 2021.
'Law and politics in the Ethiopian-Eritrean border dispute, 2002–2019'
In: A. de Guttry; H.H.G. Post; G. Venturini: 'The 1998–2000 Eritrea-Ethiopia war and Its aftermath in international legal perspective: from the 2000 Algiers agreements to the 2018 peace agreement', Cham: Springer - T.M.C. Asser Press, 2021.
'Ethiopia '
In: A.K. Awedoba; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; D. Sebudubudu: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2020', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2021.
'Aïcha Haddad's work of dreams and memories'
In: N. Sanz; C. Levis; A. Beaumont: 'Africa in the UNESCO art collection', Paris: UNESCO, 2021.
'Leader to watch 2021: Abiy Ahmed'
'Il Mondo Che Verrà 2021', Milan: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 2020.
'Leader to watch 2021: Abiy Ahmed'
'The World in 2021', Milan: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), 2020.
In: A.K. Awedoba; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; D. Sebudubudu: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2019', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2020.
In: A.K. Awedoba; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; D. Sebudubudu: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2019', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2020.
In: V. Adetula; B. Kamski; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2018', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2019.
'Political breakthrough in Ethiopia? : prime minister Abiy Ahmed’s reformist agenda'
In: M.C.A. van Winden; A.L. Yeadell-Moore: 'Annual report 2018 African Studies Centre Leiden', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2019.
Full text
'Introduction: promise and peril in Africa-growth narratives vs. local environmental problems'
In: G.J. Abbink: 'The environmental crunch in Africa : growth narratives vs. local realities', New York, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
'Losing the plot: environmental problems and livelihood strife in developing rural Ethiopia-Suri agropastoralism vs. state resource use'
In: G.J. Abbink: 'The environmental crunch in Africa : growth narratives vs. local realities', New York, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
'The religious soundscape of Ethiopia: 'noise' production between sacred and secular spaces'
In: F. Girke; S. Thubauville; W.G.C. Smidt: 'Anthropology as homage : Festschrift for Ivo Strecker', Cologne: R. Koeppe Verlag, 2018.
'Eastern Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa Yearbook 2017 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara', Leiden: Brill, 2018.
'Die Walaytta'
In: S. Uhlig; D.L. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Äthiopien: Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
'National parks'
In: S. Uhlig; D.L. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Äthiopien: Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
'Die Klima'
In: S. Uhlig; D.L. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Äthiopien: Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
'Die Kafa'
In: S. Uhlig; D.L. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Äthiopien: Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
'Die Völker Äthiopiens - ein Überblick'
In: S. Uhlig; D.L. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Äthiopien: Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
'Sub-Saharan Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2017', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2017', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2017', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2017', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
'Development in rural Ethiopia'
In: M.C.A. van Winden; A.L. Yeadell-Moore: 'Annual report African Studies Centre Leiden', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2018.
'The Suri'
In: T. Clack; M. Brittain: 'The river : peoples and histories of the Omo-Turkana area', Oxford: ArchaeoPress, 2018.
In: G.J. Abbink; H. Melber; A. Mehler; V. Odetula: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2017', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2018.
'Traditional Ethiopian legal culture : Amharic proverbs and maxims on law and justice'
In: A. Carter McCollum: 'Studies in Ethiopian languages, literature, and history: Festschrift for Getatchew Haile', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017.
'"Wie es eigentlich gewesen..." : Eike Haberland's Rankean approach to Southern Ethiopian cultures and iets legacy today'
In: S. Dinslage; S. Thubauville: 'Seeking out wise old men : six decades of Ethiopian studies at the Frobenius Institute revisited', Berlin: D. Reimer Verlag, 2017.
In: S. Uhlig; D. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Ethiopia : history, cultures and challenges', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2017.
In: S. Uhlig; D. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Ethiopia : history, cultures and challenges', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2017.
'Introduction : peoples in Ethiopia'
In: S. Uhlig; D. Appleyard; A. Bausi; W. Hahn; S. Kaplan: 'Ethiopia : history, cultures and challenges', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2017.
'Stemming the tide? : the promise of environmental rehabilitation scenarios in Ethiopia'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken: 'The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
In: G.J. Abbink; S. Elischer; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2017.
In: G.J. Abbink; S. Elischer; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2017.
In: G.J. Abbink; S. Elischer; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2017.
'Sub-Saharan Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; S. Elischer; A. Mehler; H. Melber: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2017.
'The cross in Ethiopian Christianity: ecclesial symbolism and religious experience'
In: E.K. Bongmba: 'Routledge companion to Christianity in Africa', London [etc.]: Routledge, 2016.
'Rethinking the anthropology of Ethiopia through culture and ritual'
In: E. Ficquet; A. Hassen; Th. Osmond: 'Movements in Ethiopia: Ethiopia in movement : proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies', Los Angeles ; Addis Ababa: Tsehai Publishers ; Centre Français d'Études Éthiopiennes and AAU Institute of Ethiopian Studies, 2016.
'Languages and peoples in Ethiopia and Eritrea'
In: S. Uhlig; A. Bausi: 'Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 5', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2013', Leiden: Brill, 2014.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2012', Leiden: Brill, 2013.
'Eureka! : discovery during ethnographic fieldwork'
In: I. Strecker; S. LaTosky: 'Writing in the field : festschrift for Stephen Tyler', Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 2013.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2012', Leiden: Brill, 2013.
'From my perspective as a Suri - narratives on Suri life: introduction'
In: G.J. Abbink; M. Bryant; D. Bambu: 'Suri orature : introduction to the society, language and oral culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia)', Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2013.
'Introduction to the society and history of the Suri people'
In: G.J. Abbink; M. Bryant; D. Bambu: 'Suri orature : introduction to the society, language and oral culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia)', Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2013.
'Democracy deferred : understanding elections and the role of donors in Ethiopia'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state', Leiden: Brill, 2011.
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'Democracy deferred : understanding elections and the role of donors in Ethiopia'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state', Leiden: Brill, 2011.
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In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2009', Leiden: Brill, 2010.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2009', Leiden: Brill, 2010.
'24 entries in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopia, vol. 4 (O-Z)'
In: S. Uhlig: 'Encyclopaedia Aethiopia IV (O-Z)', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.
'Berhanu Gebeyehu, 24 December 1964 - 19 July 2010'
'ASC website', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2010.
'Law against reality? Contextualizing the Ethiopian-Eritrean border problem.'
In: A. de Grutty; H. Post; G. Venturini: 'The 1998-2000 war between Eritrea and Ethiopia : an international legal perspective', The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2009.
Full text
'Tourism and its discontents: Suri-Tourist encounters in southern Ethiopia.'
In: S. Bohn Gmelch: 'Tourists and tourism: a reader', Long Grove, Ill: Waveland Press, 2009.
'The Islamic Courts Union: the ebb and flow of a Somali Islamist movement'
In: S. Ellis; W.M.J.van Kessel: 'Movers and shakers : social movements in Africa', Leiden/ Boston: Brill Publishers, 2009.
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In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2008', Leiden: Brill, 2009.
'Transformations de l'Islam et relations communautaires dans la province de Wallo, en Éthiopie.'
In: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares: 'Islam, État et société en Afrique', Paris: Karthala, 2009.
'The fate of the Suri: conflict and group tension on the Southwest Ethiopian frontier'
In: G Schlee; E.E. Watson: 'Changing identifications and alliances in Northeast Africa', Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books, 2009.
'Introduction to the ASC Library web dossier 'Elections in Africa between hope and reality''
'ASC website', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2009.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2008', Leiden: Brill, 2009.
'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat'
In: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum: 'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, conflict en de grenzen van de staat', Diemen: Uitgeverij AMB, 2008.
'Introduction. The struggle for development in Africa: the culture of politics and the rooting of culture'
In: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum: 'Dilemmas of Development. Conflicts of Interest and their Resolution in Modernizing Africa', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2008, 2008.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007', Leiden: Brill, 2008.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007', Leiden: Brill, 2008.
'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, Conflict en de Grenzen van de Staat', Diemen: AMB Publishers, 2008, 2008.
'Federaal Ethiopië: etniciteit, grenzen en de productie van conflict'
In: G.J. Abbink; A. van Dokkum: 'Verdeeld Afrika. Etniciteit, Conflict en de Grenzen van de Staat', Diemen: AMB Publishers, 2008, 2008.
'Derviches, moryaan y combatientes por la libertad: ciclos de rebelión y fragmentación en la sociedad somalí (1900-2000)'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven: 'A Propósito de Resistir. Repensar la Insurgencia in Africa', Barcelona: Oozebap 2008, 2008.
''Repensar la resistencia en la historia de Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven: 'A propósito de resistir: repensar la insurgencia en África ', Barcelona: Ozebap, 2008.
'Culture slipping away: violence, social tension and personal drama in Suri society, southern Ethiopia.'
In: A. Rao; M. Bollig; M. Böck: 'The Practice of War. Production, Reproduction and Communication of Armed Violence', Oxford: Berghahn, 2007.
'Transformations of Islam and communal relations in Wällo, Ethiopia'
In: B.F. Soares; R. Otayek: 'Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa', Basingstoke, UK/ New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 2007.
'Eureka! Constructing discovery in ethnographic fieldwork.'
In: I. Strecker; S. LaTosky: 'Writing in the Field. Festschrift for Stephen Tyler's 75th Birthday, 8 May 2007', 2007.
'Warfare in Africa: overview'
In: J. Middleton; J.C. Miller: 'New Encyclopedia of Africa', Farmington Hills: MI: Thomson Gale, 2007.
In: A. Mehler; H. Melber; K. van Walraven: 'Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2006', Leiden: Brill, 2007.
'16 entries in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopia, vol. 3 (He-N)'
In: S. Uhlig: 'Encyclopaedia Aethiopia III (He-N)', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007.
'Warfare in Africa: reframing state and "culture" as factors of violent conflict'
In: T. Otto; H. Thrane; H. Vandkilde: 'Warfare and society: archaeological and social anthropological perspectives', Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2006.
'Of snakes and cattle: The dialectics of group esteem between Suri and Dizi in Southwest Ethiopia'
In: I. Strecker; J. Lydall: 'Ethiopian images of self and other. Essays on cultural contact, respect and self-esteem in Southern Ethiopia', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2006.
'Transformaties van staat en geweld in Afrika: de teloorgang van de postkoloniale orde'
In: T. Zwaan: 'Etnisch Conflict, Oorlog en Genocide in de 20e Eeuw', Zutphen - Amsterdam: De Walburg Pers - Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 2005.
'Being young in Africa : the politics of despair and renewal'
In: G.J. Abbink; W.M.J.van Kessel: 'Vanguard or vandals : youth, politics and conflict in Africa', Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2005.
Full text
'Remembering Londósa : mediator and counterpoint in a "violent" society'
In: V. Böll: 'Studia Aethiopica : in honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the occasion of his 65th birthday', Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004.
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'Converting pastoralists: reflections on missionary work and development in southern Ethiopia'
In: A. Kumar Giri; A. van Harskamp; O. Salemink: 'The Development of Religion, the Religion of Development', Delft: Eburon, 2004.
'Ritual and political forms of violent practice among the Suri of southern Ethiopia'
In: T. Young: 'Readings in African politics in Africa', Oxford: James Currey, 2004.
'Violence and State (re)Formation in the African context: global and local aspects of crisis and change'
In: R.E. Westerfield: 'Current issues in Globalization', New York: Happauge, 2004.
Full text
'Dervishes, 'moryaan' and freedom fighters: cycles of rebellion and the fragmentation of Somali society, 1900-2000'
In: G.J. Abbink; K. van Walraven; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history', Leiden: Brill, 2003.
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'Local leadership and State governance in southern Ethiopia : from charisma to bureaucracy'
In: O. Vaughan: 'Indigenous political structures and governance in Africa', Ibadan: Sefer Books, 2003.
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'Rethinking resistance in African history: an introduction'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn; K. van Walraven: 'Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history', Leiden: Brill, 2003.
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'Encyclopedia Aethiopica'
In: S. Uhlig: 'Encyclopedia Aethiopica', Wiesbaden: Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, 2003.
'Chaises éthiopiennes'
In: P. Benitez Johannot: 'Sièges de Afrique Noire du Musée Barbier-Mueller', Genève: Musée Barbier-Mueller, 2003.
'Paradoxes of power and culture in an old periphery: Surma, 1974-1998'
In: D. Donham: 'Remapping Ethiopia : socialism & after', Oxford: James Currey, 2002.
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'Drinking, prestige, and power : alcohol and cultural hegemony in Maji, southern Ethiopia'
In: D.F. Bryceson: 'Alcohol in Africa : mixing business, pleasure, and politics', Portsmouth: Heineman, 2002.
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'Preface: violation and violence as cultural phenomena'
In: G. Aijmer; G.J. Abbink: 'Meanings of violence : a cross cultural perspective', 2000.
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'Restoring the balance: violence and culture among the Suri of Southern Ethiopia'
In: G. Aijmer; G.J. Abbink: 'Meanings of violence : a cross cultural perspective', Oxford: Berg, 2000.
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'Introduction: Rethinking democratization and election observation in Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink; G.S.C.M. Hesseling: 'Election observation and democratization in Africa', Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
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'The organization of elections in federal Ethiopia : Retrospect and prospect'
In: G.J. Abbink; G.S.C.M. Hesseling: 'Election observation and democratization in Africa', Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
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''Loof de Heer!' Jeugd en religie in Afrika'
In: W.M.J.van Kessel; H. ter Borg: 'Beelden van Afrika', Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 2000.
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'International election observation: A discussion on policy and practice'
In: G.J. Abbink; G.S.C.M. Hesseling: 'Election observation and democratization in Africa', London [etc.]: Basingstoke [etc.], 1999.
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'The production of 'primitiveness' and identity : Surma-tourist interactions'
In: R. Fardon; R.A. van Dijk; W.M.J. van Binsbergen: 'Modernity on a shoestring : dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond', Leiden: EIDOS, 1999.
'Artifacts as 'daily art' in Me'en culture: the life and work of Bogine Shala and Gelta Foroshowa'
In: R.A. Silverman: East Lansing: Michigan State University Museum, 1999.
'Surmic bibliography'
In: G.J. Dimmendaal; M. Last: 'Surmic Languages and Cultures', Cologne: Köppe, 1999.
'The Elusive Chief: Authority and Leadership in Surma Society (Ethiopia)'
In: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal; R.A. van Dijk: 'African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political Landscape', Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 1999.
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In: G.E. DeLury; D. Kaple: 'World Encyclopaedia of Political Systems and Parties', New York: Fact on File Inc., 1999.
'Cross-ethnic clan identities among Surmic groups and their neighbours: the case of the Mela'
In: G.J. Dimmendaal; M. Last: 'Surmic Languages and Cultures', Cologne: Köppe, 1998.
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'Violence and political discourse among the Chai Suri'
In: G.J. Dimmendaal; M. Last: 'Surmic languages and cultures', Cologne: Köppe, 1998.
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'Territory, space and state among the Suri: changes in an Ethiopian periphery, 1977-1997'
In: F. Fukui; E. Kurimoto; M. Shigeta: 'Ethiopia in Broader Perspective', Kyoto: Shokado, 1997.
'Violence, ritual, and reproduction : Surma ceremonial dueling as a construction of sociality and sexuality'
In: K. Fukui; E. Kurimoto; M. Shigeta: 'Ethiopia in Broader Perspective', Kyoto: Shokado, 1997.
'Afrika bezuiden de Sahara'
In: H.D. Driessen: 'In het huis van de islam: geografie, geschiedenis, geloofsleer, cultuur, economie, politiek', Nijmegen: SUN, 1997.
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'De Nilo-Saharaanse en Omotisch sprekende bevolkingsgroepen'
In: X. van der Stappen: 'Aethiopia,Volkeren van Ethiopië: Geschiedenis, Bevolking, Geloof, Kunst en Ambacht', Tervuren / Berlijn: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika / Gordon and Breach Arts International, 1996.
'The challenges of education in an Ethiopian agro-pastoral society: Surma childhood in crisis'
In: H. Habtamu Wondimu: 'Research Papers on the Situation of Children and Adolescents in Ethiopia', Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University Press, 1996.
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'The Falasha'
In: J. Middleton; A. Rassam: 'Encyclopedia of World Cultures 9 (Africa / Middle East)', Boston: G.K. Hall, 1996.
'The Suri'
In: J. Middleton; A. Rassam: 'Encyclopedia of World Cultures 9 (Africa / Middle East)', Boston: G.K. Hall, 1996.
'Violence, state and ethnicity in the Horn of Africa'
In: G.J. Abbink: 'Societies of Fear', Utrecht: ISOR (CERES / ASSR), 1996.
'Disaster, relief and political change in southern Ethiopia : developments from within Suri society'
In: J. Sorenson: 'Disaster and development in the Horn of Africa', New York: Macmillan Press, 1995.
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'The impact of violence : the Ethiopian 'Red terror' as a social phenomenon'
In: P.J. Bräunlein; A. Lauser: 'Krieg und Frieden : ethnologische Perspektiven', Bremen: Kea-Edition, 1995.
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'Review of Elwert, G., Feuchtwang, S. & Neubert, D., 'Dynamics of Violence: Processes of Escalation and De-Escalation''
Ethnos, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 563 - 565, 2004.
'Review of Freeman, D., 'Initiating change in Highland Ethiopia : causes and consequences of cultural transformation''
Africa : journal of the International African Institute, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 700 - 701, 2004.
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'Review of Negash,T. and Tronvoll,K. 'Brothers at war: making sense of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War''
African affairs, vol. 100, no. 401, pp. 656 - 658, 2001.
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'Review of Doornbos, M. and Tesfai, A. (eds), 'Post-conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development''
Journal of modern African studies, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 524 - 526, 2000.
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'Review of Kurimoto, E. and Simonse, S. (eds), 'Conflict Age and Power in North East Africa: Age Systems in Transition''
Africa : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 322 - 325, 2000.
Full text
'Review of Pankhurst, R. 'The Ethiopian Borderlands: Essays in Regional History''
Northeast African Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 135 - 138, 2000.
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'Review of Parfitt, T. and Trevisan Semi, E. (eds), 'The Beta Israel in Ethiopia and Israel: Studies on the Ethiopian Jews''
Journal of religion in Africa, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 137 - 140, 2000.
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'Review of 'Aethiopia - Peoples of Ethiopia''
Museum Anthropology, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 62 - 66, 1999.
'Review of "Ethiopia - The Heritage of an Empire". Notes on an Exhibition'
Aethiopica : international journal of Ethiopian studies, vol. 2, pp. 291 - 296, 1999.
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'Review of Taddia, I. 'Autobiografie Africane. Il Colonialismo nelle Memorie Orali''
Aethiopica : international journal of Ethiopian studies, vol. 2, pp. 276 - 279, 1999.
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'Review of Adera, T.and Ahmed, A.J. (eds), 'Silence is not Golden. A Critical Anthology of Ethiopian Literature''
Aethiopica : international journal of Ethiopian studies, vol. 1, pp. 240 - 243, 1998.
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'Review of Nordstrom, C. and Robben, A. (eds), 'Fieldwork under Fire''
Social Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 145 - 146, 1998.
'Review of Pankhurst, R. and Gérard, D., 'Ethiopia Photographed: historic pictures of the country and its people taken between 1867 and 1935''
Africa : journal of the International African Institute, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 141 - 142, 1998.
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'Review of Kaplan, S., Parfitt,T. and Trevisan Semi, E.(eds), 'Between Africa and Zion''
Journal of religion in Africa, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 217 - 218, 1997.
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'Review of Tareke, G., 'Ethiopia: Power and Protest''
Journal of modern African studies, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 538 - 542, 1997.
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'Review of Tiruneh, A. 'The Ethiopian Revolution 1974-1987''
Northeast African Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 117 - 121, 1997.
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'Review of Waal, F. de, 'Good Natured. The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals''
Facta, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 18 - 19, 1997.
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'Review of Branes,V.L.; Boddy,J., 'Aman the story of a Somali girl''
Northeast African Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 159 - 163, 1996.
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'Review of Timmerman, E. de : 'Rwanda één jaar later''
Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 291 - 293, 1995.
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