Mayke Kaag

Mayke Kaag is Professor of the Anthropology of Politics and Governance in Africa at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS) on behalf of the African Studies Centre Leiden. She is also a professor in the anthropology of Islam in Africa and its diaspora at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). She did her PhD on land use and social change in Senegal (Vrije Universiteit 2001). Her current research focuses primarily on African transnational relations, including land issues, transnational Islamic charities, and engagements with the diaspora. She is the convenor of the collaborative research group ‘Africa in the World: Rethinking Africa’s Global Connections’. Key publications include: ‘The Global Land Grab. Beyond the Hype’ (co-edited with Annelies Zoomers, Zed Books 2014); ‘Islamic charities from the Arab world in Africa: intercultural encounters of humanitarianism and morality’(2016); ‘Linking-in through education?: exploring the educational question in Africa from the perspective of flows and (dis)connections’ (2018), and ‘A plea for kaleidoscopic knowledge production’ (together with Miriam Ocadiz, 2019).

Mayke Kaag is Director of Studies at the ASCL and a member of its Executive Board.

Keywords: Africa in the world, political anthropology, anthropology of Islam, religion and development, migration, land issues.

(Photo credit: Kirsten van Santen).

Prof. Dr. M.M.A. (Mayke) Kaag
Senior researcher
+31 (0)71 527 3375
Room number: 0.42
Displaying 1 - 79 of 79

Faith-based organizations, society, and the state in Chad.
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: M. Glatzer; P.C. Manuel; C.A. Gustafson
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Faith-based organizations, society, and the state in Chad
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: M. Glatzer; P.C. Manuel; C.A. Gustafson
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Introduction to travelling Islam
A. Raia; F. Ngom; M.M.A. Kaag; M.G. Kossmann
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Special Issue: Travelling Islam: the circulation of ideas in Africa
A. Raia; F. Ngom; M.M.A. Kaag; M.G. Kossmann
Type of Publication: Other

Fraught with friction: inclusive development for informal workers in urban Ghana
T.D. Hendriks; R.A.R.L. Verbuyst; M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

M.M.A. Kaag; G. Khan-Mohammad; S. Schmid
Editors: M.M.A. Kaag; G. Khan-Mohammad; S. Schmid
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Destination Africa: contemporary Africa as a centre of global encounter
Editors: M.M.A. Kaag; G. Khan-Mohammad; S. Schmid
Type of Publication: Book

Reflections on trust and trust making in the work of Islamic charities from the Gulf region in Africa
M.M.A. Kaag; S. Sahla
Editors: H. Weiss
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

On whose land is the city to be built?: farmers, owners and the city land question in Beira city, Mozambique
M. Shannon; K. Otsuki; A. Zoomers; M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East: Is there a match? Excecutive summary and main report
N. Oomes; A. Heyma; T. Belt; N. Berthiaume; P. Bisschop; D. Jongerius; V. Spanikova; A.J. Dietz; A. Akinyoade; T.A. van der Hoog; M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Other

A plea for kaleidoscopic knowledge production
M.M.A. Kaag; M. Ocadiz
Editors: E. Mawdsley; E. Fourie; W. Nauta
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Migration, youth and land in West Africa: challenges for inclusive development
G. Baltissen; M.M.A. Kaag; A. Lodder; G. Steel
Type of Publication: Other

Migration, youth, and land in West Africa: making the connections work for inclusive development
M.M.A. Kaag; G. Baltissen; G. Steel; A. Lodder
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Transnational migrants, land and new investment hubs in African cities
M.M.A. Kaag; G. Steel
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Introduction ASCL library web dossier 'Destination Africa'
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Other

Destination Africa : old and new connections
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Other

The role of Islam in forging linkages between Africa and Asia from the 1970s : the case of Islamic relief and development support
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: P.A. Raposo; D. Arase; S Cornelissen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Africa: international migration, emigration 2015
A.J. Dietz; M.M.A. Kaag; N. de Vink
Type of Publication: Other

Islamic charities from the Arab world in Africa : intercultural encounters of humanitarianism and morality
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: M. Heins; K. Koddenbrock; C. Unrau
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

South Korea in Africa : from arbitrary foreign policy to win-win ideology
E.B. Kanik; M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Other

État, sociétés et Islam au Sénégal : un air de nouveau temps?
Editors: A. Seck; M.M.A. Kaag; C. Guèye; A.S. Fall
Type of Publication: Book

Gulf charities in Africa
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: J. Benthall; R. Lacey
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The global land grab: beyond the hype
M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Book

Introduction: The global land grab hype and why it is important to move beyond
M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers
Editors: M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Conclusion: Beyond the global land grab hype: ways forward in research and action
A. Zoomers; M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Africa's economic growth from a labour perspective: selected decent work indicators
Editors: Z. Vlaminck; U. Oberst; A.H.M. Leliveld; M.M.A. Kaag; W. Baah-Boateng; S. Maher; N. de Vink
Type of Publication: Other

Les conflits fonciers au Sénégal revisités: continuités et dynamiques émergentes
M.M.A. Kaag; Y. Gaye; M. Kruis
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Transnational elite formation : the case of the Senegalese Murid community in Italy
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Africa Muslims Agency
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: K. Fleet
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Islam and politics in Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Other

Connectivities compared: transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad and Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Aid, Umma and politics: transnational islamic NGOs in Chad
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Accountability in land governance : a study into the stakes in Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag; Y. Gaye; M. Kruis
Type of Publication: Book

African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world
Editors: A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard
Type of Publication: Book

African engagements: on whose terms? Africa negotiating an emerging multi-polar world
A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard
Editors: A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Special issue: Religious elites in the development arena
Editors: M.M.A. Kaag; M. Saint-Lary
Type of Publication: Book

Connecting to the Umma through Islamic relief: transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Land conflicts in Senegal revisited: continuities and emergent dynamics
M.M.A. Kaag; Y. Gaye; M. Kruis
Editors: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The work of transnational Islamic NGOs in Africa: Chad and Senegal compared
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Aide, Oumma et politique: Les ONG islamiques transnationales au Tchad
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad: Islamic Solidarity in the Age of Neoliberalism
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Aid, Umma and Politics: Transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Women, gender and muslim diasporas: Sub-Saharan Africa
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Il ruolo della confraternita dei Muridi nella vita dei migranti senegalesi
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: A.C. Paltrinieri
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Fighting over Crumbs? Small valleys in West Africa as a new locus of land claims
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: S.J.T.M. Evers; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Islamic NGOs in Chad
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali
M.E. de Bruijn; M.M.A. Kaag; K. van Til; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Book

Ways forward in livelihood research
J.W.M. van Dijk; M.E. de Bruijn; M.M.A. Kaag; R. van Berkel; L.J. de Haan; G. Nooteboom; A. Zoomers; M. Hoordijk
Editors: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Poverty is bad. Ways forward in livelihood research
M.M.A. Kaag; J. Brons; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; L.J. de Haan; G. Nooteboom; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Water- en voedselvoorziening
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Fighting over Crumbs? Small valleys in West Africa as a new locus of land claims
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Women's Issues in decentralization policy; An illustration of practices in Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Local manifestations of a globalising donor regime : 'good governance' in a Senegalese rural community
M.M.A. Kaag; L.B. Venema
Editors: D. Kooijman
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Favorieten gender en milieu
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Journal Article

The implementation of environmental policies in Africa: an example from Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: H.van den Breemer; L.B. Venema
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Women's issues in Decentralisation Policy: An illustration of practices in Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Presentation at the congress '100 jaar antropologie in Nederland'
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Trust, mistrust and co-operation in a Senegalese rural community
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: P. Smets; H. Nels; J. van Loon
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Trust, Mistrust and Co-operation in a Senegalese Rural Community
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

The Implementation of Environmental Policies in Africa: an example from Senegal
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

La gestion des bas-fonds
M.M.A. Kaag
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

In Afrika: een beginnend antropologe en de blote voeten van de autoriteit
M.M.A. Kaag
Editors: D.L. Meijers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

The global land grab: beyond the hype
Londen [etc.]: Zed Books, 2014
M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers

Accountability in land governance : a study into the stakes in Senegal
Utrecht: IS Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development, LANDac Research Report 2012
M.M.A. Kaag; Y. Gaye; M. Kruis

Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali
Leiden: African Studies Centre, Research report ; 78 2005
M.E. de Bruijn; M.M.A. Kaag; K. van Til; J.W.M. van Dijk
Full text

'Faith-based organizations, society, and the state in Chad.'
In: M. Glatzer; P.C. Manuel; C.A. Gustafson: 'Faith-based organizations and social welfare in Africa and Latin-America', Mann: Palgrave Macmillian, 2024.

'Réflexions sur la diplomatie religieuse des pays du Golfe et les défis qu’elle pose pour les pays ouest-africains'
In: B. Mesa: 'Les 3 D: diplomaties sécuritaire, religieuse et économique au coeur du Sahara-Sahel.', Bonn: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V, 2023.
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'Faith-based organizations, society, and the state in Chad'
In: M. Glatzer; P.C. Manuel; C.A. Gustafson: 'Faith-based organizations and social welfare: associational life and religion in contemporary Africa and Latin America', New York; London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

In: M.M.A. Kaag; G. Khan-Mohammad; S. Schmid: 'Destination Africa: contemporary Africa as a centre of global encounter', Leiden: Brill, 2021.

'Reflections on trust and trust making in the work of Islamic charities from the Gulf region in Africa'
In: H. Weiss: 'Muslim faith based organizations and social welfare in Africa', London; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

'A plea for kaleidoscopic knowledge production'
In: E. Mawdsley; E. Fourie; W. Nauta: 'Researching South-South development cooperation :the politics of knowledge production', London: Routledge, 2019.

'The role of Islam in forging linkages between Africa and Asia from the 1970s : the case of Islamic relief and development support'
In: P.A. Raposo; D. Arase; S Cornelissen: 'Routledge handbook of Africa-Asia relations', London: Routledge, 2017.

'Islamic charities from the Arab world in Africa : intercultural encounters of humanitarianism and morality'
In: M. Heins; K. Koddenbrock; C. Unrau: 'Humanitarianism and challenges of cooperation', London: Routledge, 2016.

'Conclusion: Beyond the global land grab hype: ways forward in research and action'
In: M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers: 'The global land grab: beyond the hype', Londen [etc.]: Zed Books, 2014.

'Introduction: The global land grab hype and why it is important to move beyond'
In: M.M.A. Kaag; A. Zoomers: 'The global land grab: beyond the hype', Londen [etc.]: Zed Books, 2014.

'Gulf charities in Africa'
In: J. Benthall; R. Lacey: 'Gulf charities and Islamic philanthropy in the 'age of terror'' and beyond', Berlin [etc.]: Gerlach Press, 2014.

'Les conflits fonciers au Sénégal revisités: continuités et dynamiques émergentes'
'Gerti Hesseling : á l'ombre du droit', Paris: Harmattan, 2013.

'Africa Muslims Agency'
In: K. Fleet: 'The encyclopaedia of Islam', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2013.

'Aid, Umma and politics: transnational islamic NGOs in Chad'
In: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares: 'Arabic translation of Islam and Muslim politics in Africa (with a new preface)', Cairo: al-Maktabah al-Akadimiyah, 2012.

'Connectivities compared: transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad and Senegal'
In: M.E. de Bruijn; R.A. van Dijk: 'The social life of connectivity in Africa', New York: Mac Millan, 2012.

'African engagements: on whose terms? Africa negotiating an emerging multi-polar world'
In: A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard: 'African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2011.
Full text

'Land conflicts in Senegal revisited: continuities and emergent dynamics'
In: G.J. Abbink; M.E. de Bruijn: 'Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state', Leiden: Brill, 2011.

'Aide, Oumma et politique: Les ONG islamiques transnationales au Tchad'
In: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares: 'Islam, État et société en Afrique', Paris: Karthala, 2009.

'Aid, Umma and Politics: Transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad'
In: R. Otayek; B.F. Soares: 'Muslim Politics in Africa', New York:: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

'Il ruolo della confraternita dei Muridi nella vita dei migranti senegalesi'
In: A.C. Paltrinieri: 'Un futuro in gioco. Tra muridi Senegalesi e comunità Italiana.', Milano: Franco Angeli, 2006.

'Women, gender and muslim diasporas: Sub-Saharan Africa'
'Encyclopaedia of women in islamic cultures', Leiden: Brill, 2006.

'Fighting over Crumbs? Small valleys in West Africa as a new locus of land claims'
In: S.J.T.M. Evers; M. Spierenburg; H. Wels: 'Competing jurisdiction. Settling land claims in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2005.
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'Ways forward in livelihood research'
In: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers: 'Globalization and development: themes and concepts in current research', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'Local manifestations of a globalising donor regime : 'good governance' in a Senegalese rural community'
In: D. Kooijman: 'Conflict in a globalising world : studies in honour of Peter Kloos', [S.l.]: Royal Van Gorcum, 2002.
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'The implementation of environmental policies in Africa: an example from Senegal'
In: H.van den Breemer; L.B. Venema: 'Towards negiotated co-management of natural resources in Africa', Munster: LIT Verlag, 1999.
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'Trust, mistrust and co-operation in a Senegalese rural community'
In: P. Smets; H. Nels; J. van Loon: 'Trust & co-operation : symbolic exchange and moral economics in an age of cultural differentiation', Ammsterdam: Het Spinnhuis, 1998.
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'In Afrika: een beginnend antropologe en de blote voeten van de autoriteit'
In: D.L. Meijers: 'Ware fictie, Een experiment in antropologie en literatuur', Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant, 1996.

Destination Africa: contemporary Africa as a centre of global encounter
M.M.A. Kaag; G. Khan-Mohammad; S. Schmid (editors)
Leiden: Brill, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies 2021.

État, sociétés et Islam au Sénégal : un air de nouveau temps?
A. Seck; M.M.A. Kaag; C. Guèye; A.S. Fall (editors)
Parijs: Karthala, Hommes et sociétés 2015.

African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world
A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard (editors)
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, ISSN 1574-6925 ; vol. 7 2011.

Special issue: Religious elites in the development arena
M.M.A. Kaag; M. Saint-Lary (editors)
APAD Bulletin, nr.33 2011.

'Introduction to travelling Islam'
in: Islamic Africa, vol. 14, pp. 1-4, 2023.
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'Fraught with friction: inclusive development for informal workers in urban Ghana'
in: The European journal of development research, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2305-2323, 2022.
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'Transnational migrants, land and new investment hubs in African cities'
in: Built environment, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 477 - 492, 2019.

'Connecting to the Umma through Islamic relief: transnational Islamic NGOs in Chad'
in: International Development Policy Review, no. November, pp. 463 - 474, 2011.

'Mouride Transnational Livelihoods at the Margins of a European Society: The Case of Residence Prealpino, Brescia, Italy'
in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 271 - 285, 2008.

'Islamic NGOs in Chad'
in: ISIM Review, vol. 16, pp. - 30, 2005.
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'Water- en voedselvoorziening'
in: Lover, vol. 4, 2003.

'Favorieten gender en milieu'
in: Lover, vol. 3, 2001.

'Review of 'Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel' by Barbara M. Cooper'
Africa today, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 122 - 124, 2008.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASCL Africanist Blog 2023.
Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), 2022.
Utrecht: Utrecht University, LANDac policy brief 7, 2019.
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2018.
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASC themakaart 17, 2017.
Leiden: African Studies Centre, ASC info sheet 26, 2015.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oxford Islamic Studies Online 2013.